Nucleotide substitution: G?A.
Amino acid replacement: W92term.
W168term | stops-PA; W92term | stops-PB; W92term | stops-PC
TGG to TAG mutation in codon Trp92.
Sound-evoked compound action potentials in the antennal nerve are not significantly different from wild type in mutant flies. However, nonlinear mechanical amplification is significantly reduced compared to wild type.
Mutant flies have an abnormal electroretinogram (ERG); the amplitude of the ERG is normal, but there is slower termination of the light response compared to wild type. The slow termination of the light response is also seen in intracellular recordings of single photoreceptor cells.
Mosaic animals in which the eyes are homozygous for stops1 in an otherwise heterozygous background also display a slow ERG termination phenotype, indicating that stops+ function is required in the eye.
stops1/stopsKG09937 flies have an abnormal electroretinogram (ERG); there is slower termination of the light response compared to wild type.
stops1 has abnormal neurophysiology | somatic clone phenotype, non-suppressible by EloBEY04022
The abnormal electroretinogram phenotype seen in mosaic animals in which the eyes are homozygous for stops1 flies in an otherwise heterozygous background is not suppressed if the eyes are also homozygous for Elongin-BEY04022.
CalxB stops1 double mutant flies show the slow electroretinogram termination phenotype seen in stops1 single mutants.
stops1 is not rescued by stopsdsocs.ninaE.Tag:MYC
stops1 is not rescued by stopsm3.ninaE.Tag:MYC
Selected as: A mutation that disrupts the electroretinogram.