Homozygous clones grow equivalently to wild-type twin spots.
JMJD6EY07193/PSR[+] is an enhancer of visible | dominant phenotype of Snr1E1
JMJD6EY07193/PSR[+] is an enhancer of wing vein | ectopic phenotype of Snr1E1
When homozygous PSREY07193 clones (which are M(3)96C+) are induced in a M(3)96Cunspecified/+ background, cell competition appears to be reduced, as the M(3)96Cunspecified/+ cells contribute to more of the territory and show reduced cell death compared to experiments where they are competing against +/+ cells.
Ts(1Rt;2Rt)Bld/+ cells which are simultaneously homozygous for PSREY07193 are eliminated as efficiently as Ts(1Rt;2Rt)Bld/+ cells which are PSR+ when induced in a RpL36+ background.