FB2025_01 , released February 20, 2025
Allele: Dmel\PlexBKG00878
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D. melanogaster
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Allele class
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    Associated Insertion(s)

    P{SUPor-P}PlexBKG00878 is inserted approximately 70bp after the start codon.

    Allele components
    Mutations Mapped to the Genome
    Associated Sequence Data
    DNA sequence
    Protein sequence
    Expression Data
    Reporter Expression
    Additional Information
    Marker for
    Reflects expression of
    Reporter construct used in assay
    Human Disease Associations
    Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
    Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
    Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 1 )
    Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
    Disease-implicated variant(s)
    Phenotypic Data
    Phenotypic Class
    Phenotype Manifest In
    Detailed Description

    The adult brain of PlexBKG00878 homozygotes exhibit defects in fan-shaped body (FB) and ellipsoid body (EB) morphology and P-Fr neurons innervated FB layer 6 and EB different than controls.

    PlexBKG00878 mutant larvae display increased dendritic non-contacting crossing in the class IV dendritic arborizing (da) neurons.

    PlexBKG00878 homozygous mutant embryos show ISNb axons presenting defasciculation defects at muscle 12 and innervation defects at muscles 6/7, but not ectopic innervations, as compared to controls; furthermore, their SNa axons frequently fail to innervate muscle 24, resulting in a 'stall' phenotype, and frequently show a double turn phenotype, as compared to controls.

    In plexBKG00878 mutant pupae, the dorsolateral axon trajectory is enlarged at the expense of the ventromedial trajectory. Adult plexBKG00878 mutants also exhibit class-specific glomerular targeting defects, with ventromedial ORN classes displaying severe defects in both trajectory and target choice. While dorsolateral classes are unaffected, dorsomedial classes exhibit severe trajectory-choice defects but largely normal target selection.

    Homozygous embryos show ISNb motor axon guidance defects (53.3% of hemisegments) and SNa motor axon guidance defects (32.5% of hemisegments).

    The MP1 pathway is often disorganised, defasciculated and discontinuous in homozygous embryos.

    The intermediate Fas2-positive longitudinal tract is severely disorganised in homozygous embryos, with phenotypes including defasciculation, disorganisation and wandering of axon bundles within this intermediate position. 71.0% of hemisegments show disorganisation of the intermediate Fas2-positive longitudinal tract. The medial and lateral Fas2-positive tracts appear normal in the mutant embryos.

    Chordotonal organ axons extend into the central nervous system but fail to form regular terminal branches in the region of the disrupted intermediate longitudinal tract in mutant embryos, instead remaining stalled, with expanded, splayed out morphologies over the region where they would normally elaborate their synaptic contacts.

    Stage 14 to 16 PlexBKG00878 homozygous mutant embryos exhibit a v'ch1 axon mis-projection phenotype. In 14.7% of hemisegments the v'ch1 axon grows in an aberrant anterior direction to the cell bodies of lesA and/or 1daA, then mis-projects anteriorly to the ISN. These frequencies are significantly different from those observed in wild-type.

    plexBKG00878 is semi-lethal and yields a small percentage (approximately 5.7%) of homozygous adult flies that are unable to mate successfully.

    plexBKG00878 homozygous embryos exhibit highly penetrant defects in axon guidance. Motor axons that contribute to the intersegmental nerve, the segmental nerve, and a subset of longitudinally projecting CNS axons, fail to defasciculate from one another.

    plexBKG00878 homozygous embryos do not exhibit defects in overall muscle morphology.

    Motor axons in the Segmental nerve a (SNa) pathway are affected in plexBKG00878 mutant embryos. In approximately almost 50% of all plexBKG00878 hemisegments the anterior of the SNa dorsal branch incorrectly projects between muscles 21 and 22 instead of more posteriorly between muscles 22 and 23. In approximately 33.1% of all hemisegments the anteriorly misprojecting SNa motor axons take the wrong path but subsequently make two turns to reach their proper target. In approximately 14.7% of all plexBKG00878 hemisegments the anteriorly projecting SNa dorsal branch takes the wrong path and is unable to reach its proper target.

    plexBKG00878 homozygous embryos exhibit defects in the innervation of the ventral muscles in most of the segments examined.

    The medial Fas2-stained longitudinal fascicle in plexBKG00878 mutants is severely defasciculated along its length.

    plexBKG00878/Df(4)M101-62f double heterozygous embryos exhibit phenotypes that are virtually identical to those observed in homozygous plexBKG00878 embryos.

    External Data
    Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
    Phenotypic Class
    Enhanced by
    NOT Enhanced by
    Suppressed by
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    NOT Enhancer of
    Suppressor of
    NOT Suppressor of
    Phenotype Manifest In
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    NOT Enhanced by
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    NOT Enhancer of
    Suppressor of
    NOT Suppressor of
    Additional Comments
    Genetic Interactions

    The level of non-contacting dendrite crossing in class IV dendrite arborizing larval neurons is significantly increased in PlexBKG00878;Df(2R)Sema-2b-C4 double mutants compared to either PlexBKG00878/+ or Df(2R)Sema-2b-C4/+ heterozygotes.

    PlexBKG00878, Df(2R)B65 double homozygous embryos, PlexBKG00878, Df(2R)Sema2b-C4 double homozygous embryos or PlexBKG00878, Df(2R)A15 double homozygous embryos show ISNb axon pathfinding defects which are similar to the defects observed in PlexBKG00878 homozygotes rather than the more severe defects observed in Df(2R)B65, Df(2R)Sema2b-C4 or Df(2R)A15 homozygotes, respectively. Likewise, their SNa /guidance defects are similar to the defects observed in PlexBKG00878 homozygotes rather than the less severe defects observed in Df(2R)B65, Df(2R)Sema2b-C4 or Df(2R)A15 homozygotes, respectively.

    trol8/+ ; plexBKG00878/+ double heterozygous embryo do not show significant ISNb or SNa motor axon guidance defects compared to controls.

    Heterozygosity for plexBKG00878 has no effect on the mutant ISNb phenotype seen in embryos expressing RhoGAPp190dsRNA.N.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4elav.PLu.

    Sema-2a03021;;PlexBKG00878 double homozygotes show v'ch1 mis-projections (27.8% of hemisegments) and lateral axon mis-projections (4.2% of hemisegments) at higher levels than in either single homozygous mutant.

    In stage 14-16 Sema-2a03474/+;; Df(4)C3/+ embryos, v'ch1 axon mis-projections to the intersegmental nerve are found in 3.7% of hemisegments, and 1ch5 mis-projections to the segmental nerve are found in 4.9% of hemisegments, which is significantly higher than that seen in either Sema-2a03474 or Df(4)C3 heterozygotes alone.

    Expression of plexAScer\UAS.T:Ivir\HA1 in a plexBKG00878 mutant background rescues the total number of ISNb defasciculation defects by 25%, and the more severe ISNb bypass phenotypes by almost 50%. plexAScer\UAS.T:Ivir\HA1 expression does not rescue the 'double turn' or 'lost' phenotypes of plexBKG00878 mutants.

    plexAScer\UAS.T:Ivir\HA1 expression reduces the incidence of plexBKG00878 SNa 'stall' phenotypes in plexBKG00878 mutants by 20%. However, it does not reduce the total fraction of defective SNa pathways and is incapable of rescuing plexBKG00878 CNS phenotypes.

    Expression of plexAScer\UAS.T:Ivir\HA1 also provides a modest reduction in the lethality observed in plexBKG00878 mutants.

    Approximately 58%of Df(3R)swp2MICAL/+; plexBKG00878/+ double transheterozygous embryonic hemisegments exhibit ISNb defects. This penetrance is equivalent to that seen for the same ISNb defects in plexBKG00878 homozygous mutants.

    A plexBKG00878 background greatly reduces the tranverse nerve phenotype found in Sema-2aScer\UAS.cKa; Scer\GAL4how-24B mutants (from aberrant formation in 27.9% to 12.2% of hemisegments).

    Xenogenetic Interactions
    Complementation and Rescue Data

    Expression of either PlexBUAS.cHa or PlexBUAS.Tag:MYC under the control of Scer\GAL4PlexB-MI15559-TG4.1 almost completely rescues prior to eclosion lethality and partially rescues after eclosion lethality phenotypes of PlexBKG00878/PlexBMI15559-TG4.1 transheterozygotes.

    The ISNb and SNa axon pathfinding/guidance defects observed in homozygous PlexBKG00878 mutant embryos are partially rescued by the expression of PlexBUAS.cRa under the control of Scer\GAL4elav.PLu.

    Expression of PlexBScer\UAS.cUa in sensory neurons (under the control of Scer\GAL412.1) results in the frequency of the v'ch1 mis-projection phenotype decreasing from 14/7% to 4.8% in a PlexBKG00878 background.

    plexBKG00878 fails to complement Df(4)M101-62f with respect to the plexBKG00878 lethality phenotype.

    Expression of plexBScer\UAS.cHa in all neurons in a plexBKG00878 homozygous background, under the control of Scer\GAL4elav-C155, significantly rescues the intersegmental nerve b (ISNb) motor axon defects. Restoring plexB to all neurons also rescues the lethality associated with the plexBKG00878 mutants (16.8% homozygous viable progeny compared to 5.7% of the plexBKG00878/+ x Df(4)M101-62f/+ crossing being homozygous viable progeny).

    Expression of plexBScer\UAS.cHa in all neurons in a plexBKG00878 homozygous background, under the control of Scer\GAL4elav-C155, significantly reduces the number of SNa defects by over 50%.

    Expression of plexBScer\UAS.cHa in all neurons in a plexBKG00878 homozygous background, under the control of Scer\GAL4elav-C155 rescues the severe defasciculation of the medial Fas2-stained longitudinal fascicle.

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    Synonyms and Secondary IDs (4)
    References (20)