Mobilisation of P{EP}pdfrX3026 results in a small deletion that excludes the seventh transmembrane and the C-terminus of pdfr.
Pdfr3369 hemizygotes present a severe and almost fully penetrant circadian arrhythmicity.
In contrast to wild-type, Pdfr3369 mutants fail to exhibit any light-dependent temperature preference.
Mutant flies maintain a morning peak of circadian locomotor activity under 12 hour light:12 hour dark conditions, but show an advanced evening peak of activity compared to wild-type flies. 78.3% of the mutant flies are arrhythmic in constant darkness conditions (measured during days 3-9).
pdfr3369 is viable and does not show any atypical morphological phenotype.
pdfr3369 flies appear to constantly prefer a temperature of 23.5oC, regardless of whether it is day or night. This is a little colder than the temperature preferred by wild-type flies.
pdfr3369 mutants show reduced behavioural activity in the morning during LD cycles and during the first day of the DD cycle; the average activity during the first wo hours after 'light on' is 10% of the total daily activity in LD. More than 60% of pdfr3369 flies show less than 10% of their total daily activity during the first two hours in the morning.
pdfr3369 mutants display an abnormality in evening behavioural activity. They begin evening activity earlier than wild-type flies and the activity continues until lights are turned off in LD cycles. The highest evening activities are observed at ZT9.8, compared to ZT11.0 in control flies, suggesting that evening anticipation is advanced in pdfr3369 mutants.
pdfr3369 mutant flies exhibit abnormal circadian rhythmic behaviour under DD conditions. They show residual circadian rhythmic behaviour in the first few days, but they gradually lose the rhythmic activity as the DD condition continues. The rhythmic power of the pdfr3369 mutant is 73 in DD, compared to 121 in control flies. pdfr3369 mutants demonstrate a shortened rhythmic period of 22.8 hours, compared to 23.3 hours in wild-type. The rhythmicity during D is observed in only 10-15% of individual flies tested in the pdfr3369 genotype.
Pdfr3369 has abnormal circadian rhythm | adult stage phenotype, suppressible by Nf1[+]/Nf1P1
Pdfr[+]/Pdfr3369 is a non-suppressor of abnormal circadian rhythm | adult stage phenotype of Nf1P2/Nf1P1
Pdfr3369/Pdfr3369 is a non-suppressor of abnormal circadian rhythm | adult stage phenotype of Nf1P2/Nf1P1
Pdfr3369 is rescued by PdfrTag:MYC
Pdfr3369 is partially rescued by Scer\GAL4Pdfr.B/PdfrUAS.cMa
Pdfr3369 is partially rescued by Scer\GAL4cry.PE/PdfrUAS.cMa
Pdfr3369 is partially rescued by Scer\GAL4tim.PE/PdfrUAS.cMa
Pdfr3369 is partially rescued by Scer\GAL4dimm-929/PdfrUAS.cMa
Pdfr3369 is partially rescued by Scer\GAL4cry.PZ/PdfrUAS.cMa
The advanced evening peak of locomotor activity which is seen in Pdfr3369 flies under light-dark conditions is rescued by expression of PdfrScer\UAS.cMa under the control of one of Scer\GAL4Pdfr.B, Scer\GAL4cry.PE, Scer\GAL4tim.PE or Scer\GAL4dimm-929, but is not rescued by expression of PdfrScer\UAS.cMa under the control of one of Scer\GAL4P2.4.Pdf, Scer\GAL4cry.PZ or Scer\GAL4Aph-4-c232.
Under constant darkness conditions (measured on days 3-9), expression of PdfrScer\UAS.cMa under the control of Scer\GAL4cry.PZ restores strong rhythmic behavior in Pdfr3369 flies, but the phase is delayed 6-10 hours. In approximately 50% of the rhythmic flies this delay happens instantaneously, whereas in others it takes 3-4 days to shift and then free-run with a period of 23.7 hours.
PdfrT:Hsap\MYC rescues both the advanced evening peak of locomotor activity which is seen in Pdfr3369 flies under light-dark conditions and the arrhythmicity of Pdfr3369 flies under constant darkness conditions.