Introduces a stop codon in the region encoding the ATP synthetase α/β chain of Vha68-2.
Y576term | Vha68-2-PA; Y576term | Vha68-2-PB; Y576term | Vha68-2-PC; Y576term | Vha68-2-PD; Y576term | Vha68-2-PE; Y576term | Vha68-2-PF
Reported as a mutaton from NIMYQLS to NIM@ in the penultimate exon.
Induction of Vha68-2R6 homozygous whole-eye clones in the third instar larva leads to the absence of eyes in adults.
Wing hair polarity is mostly unaffected in homozygous clones at 32-33 hours after puparium formation.
Predominantly mutant Vha68-2R6 eye discs (generated using Scer\FLP1ey.PN) are small in size compared to wild type and have aberrant morphology and compromised epithelial polarity.
Vha68-2R6 eye disc cells show an increased number of multivesicular bodies (MVBs) compared to wild type. These MVBs are enlarged and contain a high number of luminal vesicles.
Endocytic organelles are present in Vha68-2R6 homozygous mosaic eye disc clones but the cells have a reduced number of acidified endosomes compared to wild type.
A portion of the cells in Vha68-2R6 mosaic clones are eliminated from the disc, especially when surrounded by wild type cells.
Vha68-2R6 mosaic eye disc clones underproliferate compared to controls.
Vha68-2R6 homozygous mutant follicle cell mosaic clones have a reduced number of acidified endosomes compared to wild type.
Mutant eye discs (generated using the eyFLP-cell lethal system) show disrupted epithelial organisation.
Vha68-2[+]/Vha68-2R6 is a suppressor | partially of visible | adult stage phenotype of MitfUAS.cZa, Scer\GAL4dpp.blk1
Vha68-2[+]/Vha68-2R6 is a suppressor | partially of wing | adult stage phenotype of MitfUAS.cZa, Scer\GAL4dpp.blk1
The small underdeveloped wing characteristic for adult flies expressing MitfScer\UAS.cZa under the control of Scer\GAL4dpp.blk1 is significantly suppressed by combination with a single copy of Vha68-2R6.