Amino acid replacement: R565Q.
R311Q | rn-PC; R565Q | rn-PE; R546Q | rn-PF; R565Q | rn-PG
Site of nucleotide substitution in mutant inferred by FlyBase based on reported amino acid change.
rntod mutants exhibit Or67a-expressing olfactory receptor neuron loss in the trichoid subtype at1 sensilla. The DA1 glomerulus targeted by these receptor neurons in the antennal lobe is missing.
rntod/rnGAL4-5 mutants exhibit Or67a-expressing olfactory receptor neuron loss in the trichoid subtype at1 sensilla. The DA1 glomerulus targeted by these receptor neurons in the antennal lobe is missing.
rntod/rntot mutants exhibit Or67a-expressing olfactory receptor neuron loss in the trichoid subtype at1 and at3 sensilla. The DA1 glomerulus targeted by these receptor neurons in the antennal lobe is missing. There is an increase in the number of ORNs in the at4 sensilla.
rntod/rntot mutants exhibit rn-negative olfactory receptor neuron loss in the coeloconic subtype ac1 and ac4 sensilla. The ac2 sensilla expands into the antennal zones that are normally occupied by these sensilla.
rntod/rntot mutants exhibit rn-negative olfactory receptor neuron loss in the basiconic subtype ab5, ab7 and ab10 sensilla. The ab1 and ab9 sensilla show a slight increase in female mutants but not males.
The rn-positive ai1 sensilla is lost in rntot/rntot mutant flies.
Recordings of thre response of single antennal trichoid sensillae to 11-cis-vanyl-acetate (VA) indicate that tod1 homozygotes lack T1 functional subtype of these sensillae. The overall number of trichoid sensilla on the antenna of these flies is about 30% less than wild-type and the number of large basiconic sensilla is that same as wild-type, suggesting that the missing T1 sensillae have not been transformed into other sensillum types.
amos3, rntod has basiconic sensillum phenotype
amos3, rntod has trichoid sensillum phenotype
Df(2L)M36F-S6/lzg, rntod has basiconic sensillum phenotype
Df(2L)M36F-S6/lzg, rntod has trichoid sensillum phenotype