Imprecise excision of the P{EPgy2}polybromoEY14080 insertion, resulting in a 575bp deletion that removes the 5'UTR and extends 120bp into the coding sequence.
A 575bp deletion resulting from the imprecise excision of the P{EPgy2}polybromoEY14080 insertion.
polybromoΔ86/+ enhances the position effect variegation at the w locus which is seen in In(1)wm4 flies.
4% of heterozygous adult males and 40% of homozygous adult males show transformation of A6 to A5.
Homozygotes can survive to the adult stage with no obvious morphological defects.
Homozygous females are sterile; the eggs they lay fail to hatch and have eggshell defects. Eggs laid by homozygous females have very thin and irregularly deposited chorions and dechorionated embryos are permeable to the dye neutral red, indicating defects in the barrier function of the vitelline membrane.
24.3% of eggs produced by females containing homozygous germ line clones hatch. Embryos derived from female germ line clones and lacking both maternal and zygotic polybromo function die at a range of developmental stages, but some are able to develop into normal adults.
Incorporation of BrdU at sites of chorion gene amplification appears normal in follicle cell nuclei.
Su(var)3-3[+]/Su(var)3-3ΔN, polybromoΔ86 has visible | dominant phenotype
Bap170Δ65, polybromoΔ86 has lethal | pupal stage phenotype
akirinKG01343, polybromo[+]/polybromoΔ86 has larval somatic muscle cell phenotype
Su(var)3-3[+]/Su(var)3-3ΔN, polybromoΔ86 has wing vein | ectopic phenotype
Bap170Δ65, polybromoΔ86 has ventral denticle belt phenotype
Bap170Δ65, polybromoΔ86 has embryonic/larval crystal cell phenotype
Bap170Δ65, polybromoΔ86 has leg | pupal stage phenotype
Bap170Δ65, polybromoΔ86 has melanotic mass | pupal stage phenotype
Double heterozygosity for both polybromoΔ86 and TrlR85 enhances the position effect variegation at the w locus which is seen in In(1)wm4 flies more strongly than either single polybromoΔ86 and TrlR85 heterozygote alone.
12% of TrlR85/polybromoΔ86 double heterozygous adult males show transformation of A6 to A5.
15% of polybromoΔ86/Df(3L)Aprt-21 double heterozygous adult males show transformation of A6 to A5.
Stage 16 polybromoΔ86/+ ; akirinKG01343/+ double heterozygous embryos show disruption of the somatic muscle pattern (38% of embryos have missing, misattached or duplicated muscles in at least 2 hemisegments).
Bap170Δ65 polybromoΔ86 double mutants show fully penetrant pupal lethality, which can be rescued by ubiquitous expression of either polybromoScer\UAS.cCa or Bap170Scer\UAS.cCa.
Bap170Δ65 polybromoΔ86 double mutant larvae show overproduction of crystal cells.
Bap170Δ65 polybromoΔ86 double mutants show defects at the pupal stage beginning approximately 12 hours after puparium formation; the mutants fail to fully evert their legs and sometimes have melanotic patches.
Embryos laid by Bap170Δ65 females containing polybromoΔ86 homozygous germ line clones die before the third larval instar. Cuticles secreted by the embryos that fail to hatch show dorsalisation (ventral denticle belts are reduced), especially in the anterior region.
Bap170Δ65 females with osa308 polybromoΔ86 germ lines clones are able to differentiate oocytes.
polybromoΔ86 is rescued by polybromoHsp83.Tag:FLAG
polybromoΔ86 is partially rescued by Scer\GAL4T155/polybromoUAS.cCa