Most tweek1/tweekc01084 and tweek2/tweekc01084 animals die as pharate adults, although a few adult escapers are seen. These adult escapers are severely uncoordinated.
tweek2/tweekc01084 mutants have a normal excitatory junctional potential amplitude during low-frequency stimulation (< 1Hz).
tweek2/tweekc01084 mutants show a decline in excitatory junctional potential amplitude to approximately 55-60% of the initial response when stimulated at 10Hz in 5mM Ca[2+] (controls maintain release at about 90% of the initial response after 10 minutes under these conditions).
tweek2/tweekc01084 animals show a significant reduction of FM1-43 dye uptake at the third larval instar neuromuscular junction compared to controls.
The amplitude of spontaneous excitatory junctional currents (mEJCs) is increased and the frequency of mEJCs is decreased in tweek2/tweekc01084 animals compared to controls. Quantal content is decreased in tweek2/tweekc01084 animals compared to controls.
Excision of the insertion can revert the lethal phenotype.