Imprecise excision of the progenitor insertion, resulting in an internal deletion within the ths locus that deletes 84 amino acids of the FGF core domain.
decreased cell number | P-stage (with thse02026)
ths759 homozygous embryos do not show significant defects in cardioblast number or patterning.
ths759/thse02026 as well as ths759/Df(2R)ths238 transheterozygotes show overall decrease in the number of ensheathing glial cells and reduction of their processes in the developing antennal lobes during late pupal stages. The axons from the olfactory receptor neurons Or88a and Or47b innervating the VA1v and VA1d glomeruli to reach their target area in the ventrolateral antennal lobe but they fail to establish exclusive territories for their axonal arborizations and their axonal terminals partially overlap in ths759/Df(2R)ths238 mutants.
Mutant embryos show a weak but significant defect in the migration of ventral astrocytes and in the infiltration of astrocyte processes into the neuropil.
Homozygous ths759 mutant stage 17 embryos show a reduction in the number of longitudinal visceral muscle (LVM) fibres around the midgut, particularly in the anterior portion where large areas are devoid of LVM fibres. The LVM founder cells are present at normal numbers in stage 11 embryos. Although some embryos develop with interruptions in the TVM, in those with complete TVMs, by stage 12 many of the founders lose contact with the trunk visceral mesoderm (TVM) rather than spreading out across it. By stage 13 a large number of rounded and shrunken cells are seen some distance from the TVM.
ths759/Df(2R)BSC25 mutant stage 17 embryos show a reduction in the number of longitudinal visceral muscle (LVM) fibres around the midgut, particularly in the anterior portion where large areas are devoid of LVM fibres. The LVM founder cells are present at normal numbers in stage 11 embryos. Although some embryos develop with interruptions in the TVM, in those with complete TVMs, by stage 12 many of the founders lose contact with the trunk visceral mesoderm (TVM) rather than spreading out across it. By stage 13 a large number of rounded and shrunken cells are seen some distance from the TVM.
Homozygous ths759 mutant larval guts contain 5-8 longitudinal visceral muscle fibres per half side compared to 9-11 in wild type.
Unequal spreading of mesoderm cells can be seen in stage 8 homozygous embryos. Mesoderm-ectoderm attachment is occasionally uneven along the anterior-posterior axis. Defects in mesoderm monolayer formation are not seen.
Cells at the dorsal edge of the mesoderm form only thin, long protrusions during dorsolateral migration in homozygous embryos, as occurs in wild type.
Homozygous embryos have defects in the ventral oblique muscles VO4, VO5 and VO6. Duplications of the segment border muscle are seen.