Amino acid replacement: E11K.
E11K | nopo-PA; E11K | nopo-PB
Site of nucleotide substitution in mutant inferred by FlyBase based on reported amino acid change.
The egg chambers of mutant females show no obvious defects in oogenesis, and polar bodies are present in their unfertilised eggs (indicating that meiosis is completed).
72% of embryos derived from homozygous females mated to wild-type males develop to cycle 10 or beyond, but none of these embryos develop to the initiation of gastrulation or beyond. The embryos have unevenly spaced nuclei. The mitotic spindles are shortened and barrel-shaped (64%) and have detached centrosomes (62%) and misaligned chromosomes. There is asynchrony between nuclear and centrosome cycles, with centrosome duplication before telophase occasionally being evident (13% of spindles have more than one centrosome per pole). 10% of the spindles are tripolar.
68% of embryos derived from nopoZ1447/Df(2R)Exel7153 females mated to wild-type males develop to cycle 10 or beyond, but none of these embryos develop to the initiation of gastrulation or beyond.
nopoZ1447 has lethal | recessive | non-rescuable maternal effect | embryonic stage phenotype, non-suppressible by lokp6
nopoZ1447 has spindle | non-rescuable maternal effect phenotype, suppressible by lokp6
nopoZ1447 has centrosome | non-rescuable maternal effect phenotype, suppressible by lokp6
nopoZ1447 is an enhancer of retina | P-stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4GMR.PF, cindrRNAi.PC.PD.UAS
nopoZ1447 is an enhancer of interommatidial cell | P-stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4GMR.PF, cindrRNAi.PC.PD.UAS
nopoZ1447/Df(2R)Exel7153, lokp6 has interphase & organism | embryonic cycle 11 | maternal effect phenotype
lokp6, nopoExc142/nopoZ1447 has interphase & organism | embryonic cycle 11 | maternal effect phenotype
lokp6 partially suppresses the phenotype of embryos derived from nopoZ1447 females; the acentrosomal, barrel-shaped mitotic spindles are restored to normal spindles with attached centrosomes. However, DNA defects are common in embryos derived from the double mutant females, particularly during cortical divisions, with abnormal DNA aggregates that are shared by more than one spindle often being seen. The embryos derived from the double mutant females complete syncytial divisions, and arrest with aberrant morphology upon the initiation of gastrulation.
Embryos derived from lokp6 nopoZ1447 double mutant females have significantly shorter interphases during cycle 11 compared to wild-type or lokp6 single mutant embryos.
Embryos derived from lokp6 nopoZ1447/lokp6 Df(2R)Exel7153 females have significantly shorter interphases during cycle 11 compared to wild-type or lokp6 single mutant embryos.
Embryos derived from lokp6 nopoZ1447/lokp6 nopoExc142 females have significantly shorter interphases during cycle 11 compared to wild-type or lokp6 single mutant embryos.