Amino acid replacement: W45term.
W45term | Tbce-PB; W45term | Tbce-PC
G to A nucleotide change at the second or third position of the Trp codon leads to a nonsense mutation (exact site of mutation unspecified). Site of nucleotide substitution in mutant inferred by FlyBase base on reported amino acid change.
The microtubule network is greatly decreased in tbceZ0241/Df(2R)ED1484 first instar larvae, with fewer and shorter microtubule fibres in muscle cells as compared with the dense and evenly distributed microtubule network in controls.
Hemizygous embryos have longitudinal axon bundles that cross the midline in the ventral nerve cord. Interrupted axon bundles are also seen.
TbceZ0241/TbceLH15 is rescued by TbceHRD.Ubi.GFP
TbceZ0241/TbceLH15 is rescued by TbceUbi.GFP
TbceZ0241/TbceLH15 is not rescued by TbcemutCG.UASp.EGFP/Scer\GAL4Act5C.PI
TbceZ0241/TbceLH15 is not rescued by TbcemutNLS.UASp.EGFP/Scer\GAL4Act5C.PI