Homozygous embryos die during late embryonic or early larval stages with no evident morphological defects. The embryos often show a delay in ventral furrow formation at stages 6 and 6b. Embryos derived from homozygous germline clones show the same phenotype, but with a higher penetrance. In addition, 29.4% of fertilised embryos derived from homozygous germline clones fail to hatch. They show variable cuticle defects (43% ventral holes, 29% dorsal closure defects, 19% head defects and 9% non-specific defects).
Homozygous Traf4Δ.w and Traf4Δ.w/Df(2L)ed-dp embryos show delays in ventral furrow formation.
Homozygous Traf43 and Traf43/Df(2L)ed-dp embryos show delays in ventral furrow formation.
Traf4[+]/Traf43 is an enhancer of visible phenotype of Scer\GAL4en.PU, armUAS.cWa
Traf4[+]/Traf43 is a suppressor | partially of visible phenotype of Scer\GAL4en.PU, shgi.UAS.Tag:SS(aos),Tag:MYC
Traf43 has ventral furrow phenotype, enhanceable by arm3/arm[+]
Traf4[+]/Traf43 is an enhancer of wing margin bristle | ectopic phenotype of Scer\GAL4en.PU, armUAS.cWa
Traf4[+]/Traf43 is a suppressor | partially of wing blade phenotype of Scer\GAL4en.PU, shgi.UAS.Tag:SS(aos),Tag:MYC
The delays in ventral furrow formation seen in homozygous Traf43 embryos are more severe if they are derived from females heterozygous for arm4.
The ectopic wing margin bristle phenotype caused by expression of armScer\UAS.cWa under the control of Scer\GAL4en.PU is enhanced by Traf43/+.
The loss of wing blade caused by expression of aos::shgi.Scer\UAS.T:Hsap\MYC under the control of Scer\GAL4en.PU is partially suppressed by Traf43/+.