Amino acid replacement: I1509N.
Nucleotide substitution: T4705A.
I1510N | Nipped-B-PE; I1510N | Nipped-B-PF; I1486N | Nipped-B-PG; I1486N | Nipped-B-PH; I1486N | Nipped-B-PI; I1390N | Nipped-B-PJ
lethal (with Df(2R)M41A2)
lethal (with Nipped-B34-3)
lethal (with Nipped-B407)
lethal (with Nipped-BIR13)
lethal (with Nipped-BL5)
lethal (with Nipped-BL7)
lethal (with Nipped-BLa6)
lethal (with Nipped-BLf)
lethal (with Nipped-BLL)
lethal (with Nipped-BNC6)
lethal (with Nipped-BNC7)
lethal (with Nipped-BNC23)
lethal (with Nipped-BNC41)
lethal (with Nipped-BNC59)
lethal (with Nipped-BNC60)
lethal (with Nipped-BNC71)
lethal (with Nipped-BNC77)
lethal (with Nipped-BNC78)
lethal (with Nipped-BNC91)
Mutants die at the second to third instar moult.
Neuroblast metaphase nuclei show precocious sister chromatid separation in Nipped-B02047/Nipped-BNC39 animals.
Nipped-B[+]/Nipped-BNC39 is an enhancer of wing margin phenotype of ctK
Nipped-B[+]/Nipped-BNC39 is an enhancer of adult thorax phenotype of Ubxbx-34e, su(Hw)e2