Imprecise excision of the progenitor insertion, resulting in a 1677bp deletion that removes part of the 5'UTR, the translation start site and a small part of the first intron of kibra. 22bp of the original insertion remains.
kibraΔ32 mutants exhibit delays in border cell migration.
Homozygous clones in the retina show reduced apoptosis at 28 hours after puparium formation compared to controls.
Homozygous clones in the eye result in eye overgrowth.
Homozygous clones in the retina at 40 hours after puparium formation contain extra interommatidial cells. The apoptotic index of pupal retinas containing homozygous clones is reduced compared to wild type.
Homozygous clones in larval imaginal discs are larger than their control twin spots.
Eye discs containing homozygous clones show some ectopic EdU-positive staining posterior to the second mitotic wave.
Homozygous clones result in a mutant wing phenotype.
kibraΔ32 has abnormal cell migration phenotype, enhanceable by exAP50
kibraΔ32 has visible | somatic clone phenotype, suppressible | somatic clone by ykiNIG.4005R/Scer\GAL4GMR.PF
kibraΔ32 has visible | somatic clone phenotype, suppressible | partially by exUAS.GFP/Scer\GAL4Tub.PU
kibraΔ32 has visible | somatic clone phenotype, suppressible | partially by Scer\GAL4Tub.PU/MerUAS.cHa
kibraΔ32 is an enhancer of abnormal cell migration phenotype of exAP50
kibraΔ32 has border follicle cell phenotype, enhanceable by exAP50
kibraΔ32 has eye | somatic clone phenotype, suppressible | somatic clone by ykiNIG.4005R/Scer\GAL4GMR.PF
kibraΔ32 has wing | somatic clone phenotype, suppressible | partially by exUAS.GFP/Scer\GAL4Tub.PU
kibraΔ32 has wing | somatic clone phenotype, suppressible | partially by Scer\GAL4Tub.PU/MerUAS.cHa
kibraΔ32 is an enhancer of border follicle cell phenotype of exAP50
exe1, kibraΔ32/kibra[+] has follicle cell phenotype