ScerGAL4NP2297 drives expression in mushroom body extrinsic neurons, including mushroom body medial lobe arborizing neuron 1, mushroom body medial lobe arborizing neuron 7 and mushroom body calyx-pedunculus arborizing neuron 1, that innervate mushroom body gamma lobe slice, mushroom body beta lobe slices 1 and 2, and mushroom body beta' lobe slice 2.
ScerGAL4NP2297 drives expression in 7 uniglomerular projection neurons. Around 2 cell bodies are located in the anterio-dorsal part of the antennal lobe around 5 cell bodies can be found in the lateral part. These neurons project to three glomeruli VC3m. Labeling is also detected in one cell body in the adult subesophageal zone. This neuron projects to glomeruli D, DA2, DL5, DM3, DM6, V, VA6, VC1, VM7v, DA1, DA3, DA4l, DA4m, DC1, DC3, VA1s, VA1v, DL2v, VL1 VC3l, VL2a, VP4, VP2, VP3 and DC4.
Arborisation within the calyx and pedunculus is due to the mushroom body calyx-pedunculus arborizing neuron 1.
Inhibition (using shi1.UAS at 33[o]C) of Scer\GAL4NP2297 cells in adults during testing does not affect medium term (3 h) aversive olfactory memory, compared to controls.
Inhibition (using Hsap\KCNJ2UAS.EGFP) of Scer\GAL4NP2297 neurons, in combination with a Gal80[ts] transgene to restrict expression to 1 day prior to training and testing, does not affect 3 hour aversive olfactory memory, compared to controls.