fruΔC contains a unique 7bp deletion of nucleotides 77-83 of exon C (the final exon), creating a frame-shift introducing 6 aberrant amino acids followed by a premature stop codon upstream of the type-C zinc-finger domain.
A 7 bp deletion of nucleotides 77-83 of the final fru exon, causing a frameshift and early translation termination.
abnormal size | adult stage | male (with fruGAL4.P1.D)
semi-fertile (with fru3)
semi-fertile (with fru4-40)
vas deferens (with fru3)
Homozygous males have reduced viability.
fruΔC/Df(3R)fru4-40 males lack the muscle of Lawrence.
Compared to controls, fruΔC/Df(3R)fru4-40 males show no significant difference in latency to courtship of or courtship index towards females. However, the males are markedly unsuccessful at achieving copulation, with no males managing to copulate in the 1 hour observation period. The males show dramatically low levels of fertility over a one-week observation period. fruΔC/Df(3R)fru4-40 males show vigorous chaining behaviour (forming male-male courtship chains).
The wing extension index of fruΔC/Df(3R)fru4-40 males is significantly reduced compared to controls. The interpulse interval is significantly longer than normal, pulse frequency is slightly, but significantly increased and sine song is completely absent. The interpulse interval is significantly longer than normal and sine song is completely absent in homozygous fruΔC and fruΔC/frusat15 males.
Nearly all XY fruP1.LexA/fruΔC animals show complete loss of midline crossing by foreleg gustatory receptor neuron (GRN) axons.
Flies homozygous for fruΔC exhibit 52% and 44% viability in females and males respectively. They also exhibit approximately 31% fertility. These flies also exhibit reduced courting of females while displaying higher levels of intermale courtship and chaining.
Flies transheterozygous for fruΔC and frusat15 exhibit approximately 13% fertility compared to wild-type. They also experience reduced viability, with approximately 32% the wild-type level of male and female progeny surviving. These flies also exhibit reduced courting of females while displaying higher levels of intermale courtship and chaining.
Flies transheterozygous for fruΔC and fru4-40 exhibit approximately 21% fertility compared to wild-type. They do not experience reduced viability. These flies also exhibit reduced courting of females while displaying higher levels of intermale courtship and chaining.
Flies transheterozygous for fruΔC and fru3 exhibit approximately 33% fertility compared to wild-type. They do not experience reduced viability. These flies also exhibit reduced courting of females while displaying higher levels of intermale courtship and chaining. The Muscle of Lawrence fails to differentiate in 90% of cases, with the remaining 10% exhibiting only a vestigial muscle of Lawrence.
fruΔC/fru3 transheterozygotes exhibit a reduced number of male serotonergic neurons and improper patterning. The dorsal serotonergic abdominal giant neurons (dSAbg) exhibits approximately 18%, and the ventral serotonergic abdominal giant neurons (vSAbg) approximately 6% of the normal complement of serotonergic neurons. At least one or the other of these clusters is absent in a significant portion of these males; the vSAbg is undetectable in approximately 70%, whereas approximately 22% exhibit no dSAbg. In animals lacking the vSAbg, the remaining dSAbg neurons innervate the vas deferens, accessory glands, and ejaculatory duct. Similarly, in animals with no dSAbg, the same target organs are innervated by neurons of the vSAbg. In animals with only one cluster, while the innervation of the vas deferens is wild-type in pattern, the innervations are less dense. Similar observations are found for the accessory glands and ejaculatory duct. Unlike wild-type males, 90% of accessory glands are not fully innervated and a further 5% have no innervation. This phenotype is repeated with the vas deferens. These males experience a 8.5% decrease in fru[M]-labelled neurons compared to wild-type.
fruΔC/fruΔC homozygotes exhibit a reduced number of male serotonergic neurons and improper patterning. At least one or the other of the dorsal serotonergic abdominal giant neuron cluster or the ventral serotonergic abdominal giant neuron cluster is absent in a significant portion of these males. In animals lacking the vSAbg, the remaining dSAbg neurons innervate the vas deferens, accessory glands, and ejaculatory duct. Similarly, in animals with no dSAbg, the same target organs are innervated by neurons of the vSAbg. In animals with only one cluster, while the innervation of the vas deferens is wild-type in pattern, the innervations are less dense. Similar observations are found for the accessory glands and ejaculatory duct. Unlike wild-type males, 90% of accessory glands are not fully innervated and a further 5% have no innervation. This phenotype is repeated with the vas deferens. These males experience a 15% decrease in fru[M]-labelled neurons compared to wild-type.
fruΔC heterozygotes have a wild-type number of serotonergic neurons.
Males heterozygous for fruΔC and Df(3R)fruw24 exhibit reduced fertility (approximately 9% fertility). Female flies exhibit 72% viability while males exhibit 80% viability. These flies also exhibit reduced courting of females while displaying higher levels of intermale courtship and chaining.
During a 6hr observation, fruΔC/fru3 males do not mate, whereas approximately 50% of fruΔC/fru3 males expressing fruMC.Scer\UAS.cSa do. These males are slower to initiate mating, although the duration of copulation is similar to that of wild-type males. A small number of control flies (i.e. fruMC.Scer\UAS.cSa/+ ; fruΔC/fru3) manage to mate within the same time as the 'rescued' males, probably due to 'leakage' of the transgene, although mating durations are still significantly longer than those of wild-type males.
fru3/fruΔC has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by Agam\fruMC.UAS/Scer\GAL4fru.16
fruAJ96u3/fruΔC is an enhancer of increased cell number phenotype of bratDG19310/brat11
fruAJ96u3/fruΔC is an enhancer of increased cell number phenotype of numbEx112/numb15
fru3/fruΔC has muscle cell of male abdominal 5 muscle phenotype, suppressible by Agam\fruMC.UAS/Scer\GAL4fru.16
fru3/fruΔC has serotonergic neuron phenotype, suppressible by Agam\fruMC.UAS/Scer\GAL4fru.16
fruAJ96u3/fruΔC is an enhancer of neuroblast | increased number phenotype of bratDG19310/brat11
fruAJ96u3/fruΔC is an enhancer of type II neuroblast | increased number phenotype of numbEx112/numb15
Expression of Agam\fruMC.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4fru.16, in a fru3/fruΔC background (in which fru[MA] and fru[MB], but not the fru[MC] transcript are present) rescues the formation of the muscle of Lawrence in the male.
fru3/fruΔC is rescued by fruMC.UAS.cSa/Scer\GAL4fru.16
fru3/fruΔC is not rescued by Scer\GAL4fru.16/fruMA.UAS.cSa
fru3/fruΔC is not rescued by fruMB.UAS.cSa/Scer\GAL4fru.16
Extension of mating length beyond normal duration in fruΔC/fru3 males is rescued by targeted expression of fruMC.Scer\UAS.cSa via Scer\GAL4fru.16.
The fruΔC allele disrupts both the male-specific type-C isoform (Fru[MC]) and those common to both sexes (Fru[ComC]).