GMR regulatory sequences drive expression of the Hsap\APP Aβ42 peptide, tagged at the N-terminal end with the Tag:SS(rPENK) signal sequence.
Flies expressing four copies of Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR exhibit small and glassy eyes.
Flies expressing two copies of Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR exhibit multiple ommatidial fusions in the adult eye.
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR flies exhibit significant retinal tissue degeneration. Treatment with an aqueous extract from the rhizome of Gastrodia elata (GE) rescues rhabdomere degeneration and indicates a preventive effect of GE on neurodegeneration.
The compound eye is destroyed in Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR animals.
Expression of Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR results in profound eye degeneration. Feeding flies with linoleic acid and linolenic acid ameliorates the eye degeneration caused by Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR. In contrast, campesterol or γ-linolenic acid feeding does not induce any prominent changes.
Flies develop a rough eye phenotype.
Adult eyes show different degrees of eye disorganization (depending on the insertion line and the number of insertions), ranging from slight abnormalities to fusion of ommatidia and missing inter-ommatidial bristles. Eyes appear 'glazed' and are noticeably reduced in size in the most severe cases. In sections, irregular, smaller ommatidia with abnormal, degenerating photoreceptors are observed, with numerous gaps in the tissue . There are no intact ommatidia in the most severe cases - only occasional residual photoreceptors are seen, with large tissue gaps.
No gross morphological defects are seen in third instar imaginal discs from Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR (insertion line P{GMR-APP.Aβ42}K3) homozygous larvae.
The rough, disorganized eye phenotype seen in freshly eclosed Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR (insertion line P{GMR-APP.Aβ42}K3) heterozygous flies gets progressively more severe with time, reaching a plateau at 32 days.
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has visible | adult stage phenotype, suppressible by Hsap\HSPA1LUAS.sec/Scer\GAL4repo.PU
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, enhanceable by Dsp1EP355/Scer\GAL4ey.PU
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, enhanceable by svrEP356/Scer\GAL4ey.PU
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, enhanceable by IdeEP3099/Scer\GAL4ey.PU
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, enhanceable by mub[+]/mubEP3108
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, enhanceable by cwoEP3470/Scer\GAL4ey.PU
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, enhanceable by svrKG02090/svr[+]
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, enhanceable by svr126/svr[+]
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, enhanceable by ATP7[+]/ATP7EY07895
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, enhanceable by elB[+]/elB9
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, enhanceable by SNF4Agamma[+]/SNF4AγKG10152
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, enhanceable by EP1504[+]/EP1504EP1504
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, enhanceable by CG11006[+]/Sap130EY12079
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, enhanceable by HDAC4KG09091/HDAC4[+]
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, enhanceable by Sin3A[+]/Sin3A08269
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, enhanceable by Nep2[+]/Nep2KG05754
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, enhanceable by P{EP}Pus7EP595b/Scer\GAL4ey.PU
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, enhanceable by P{EP}ckdEP3041/Scer\GAL4ey.PU
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, enhanceable by HDAC104556/Rpd3[+]
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, enhanceable by CG6767[+]/PrpsKG00420
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, enhanceable by esgEP684/Scer\GAL4ey.PU
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, enhanceable by EP330[+]/EP330EP330
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4ey.PU/MESR4EP386
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, enhanceable by elBEP965/Scer\GAL4ey.PU
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, enhanceable by CG7231EP2510/Scer\GAL4ey.PU
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, enhanceable by TlEP1051/Scer\GAL4ey.PU
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, enhanceable by SNF4AγEP3015b/Scer\GAL4ey.PU
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, non-enhanceable by CG2924[+]/CG2924EY02142
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, non-enhanceable by mub04093/mub[+]
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, non-enhanceable by UbcD4[+]/Ubc4EY05497
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, suppressible by Hsap\HSPA1LUAS.sec/Scer\GAL4repo.PU
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has ommatidium | adult stage phenotype, suppressible by Hsap\HSPA1LUAS.sec/Scer\GAL4repo.PU
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, suppressible by bsk1/bsk[+]
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, suppressible by hep1
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, suppressible by foxo21/foxo[+]
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, suppressible by foxo25/foxo[+]
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, suppressible by CG6767[+]/PrpsEP3603
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, suppressible by g[+]/gB166
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL4ey.PU/P{EP}Atg1EP3348
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, suppressible by g[+]/gEP514
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, suppressible by EP1318EP1318/Scer\GAL4ey.PU
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, suppressible by CG2924[+]/CG2924EP1596
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, suppressible by CG10347EP308/Scer\GAL4ey.PU
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, suppressible by DyroEP3405/Scer\GAL4ey.PU
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, suppressible by Nep2EP3549/Scer\GAL4ey.PU
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, non-suppressible by CG2924[+]/CG2924EY02142
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, non-suppressible by mub04093/mub[+]
Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.Tag:SS(rPENK) has eye phenotype, non-suppressible by UbcD4[+]/Ubc4EY05497
Expression of Hsap\HSPA1LScer\UAS.sec under the control of Scer\GAL4repo.PU suppresses the ommatidial fusion phenotype seen in flies expressing two copies of Hsap\APPAβ42.GMR.
Co-expression of Nep2EP3549 using Scer\GAL4ey.PU suppresses the Hsap\APP[Aβ42.GMR] rough eye phenotype.