Ten copies of the UAS site followed by an Hsp70 basal promoter are fused upstream of a Mmus\Cd8a-Avic\GFP fusion protein. A 67bp intron derived from Mhc has been inserted in the 5' UTR. An SV40 transcriptional terminator is present.
The P{10XUAS-IVS-mCD8::GFP} construct contains a single copy of Mmus\Cd8aIVS.10xScer\UAS.T:Avic\GFP.
The P{10XUAS-IVS-mCD8::GFP.TH1} construct contains two copies of Mmus\Cd8aIVS.10xScer\UAS.T:Avic\GFP in the same (tail-to-head) orientation.
The P{10XUAS-IVS-mCD8::GFP.THS2} construct contains two copies of Mmus\Cd8aIVS.10xScer\UAS.T:Avic\GFP in the same (tail-to-head) orientation, separated by a 2.8kb gypsy-insulated spacer.
The P{10XUAS-IVS-mCD8::GFP.TTS3} construct contains two copies of Mmus\Cd8aIVS.10xScer\UAS.T:Avic\GFP in tail-to-tail orientation, separated by a 2.8kb gypsy-insulated spacer.
The P{10XUAS-IVS-mCD8::GFP} construct contains a single copy of Mmus\Cd8aIVS.10xScer\UAS.T:Avic\GFP.
The P{10XUAS-IVS-mCD8::GFP.TH1} construct contains two copies of Mmus\Cd8aIVS.10xScer\UAS.T:Avic\GFP in the same (tail-to-head) orientation.
The P{10XUAS-IVS-mCD8::GFP.THS2} construct contains two copies of Mmus\Cd8aIVS.10xScer\UAS.T:Avic\GFP in the same (tail-to-head) orientation, separated by a 2.8kb gypsy-insulated spacer.
The P{10XUAS-IVS-mCD8::GFP.TTS3} construct contains two copies of Mmus\Cd8aIVS.10xScer\UAS.T:Avic\GFP in tail-to-tail orientation, separated by a 2.8kb gypsy-insulated spacer.