32kb deletion removing the DG2 and Z enhancers of ovo.
Homozygous first instar larvae raised at 25[o]C have slightly fewer quaternary trichomes than normal and show a reduction in the size of the lateral sensory bristles compared to controls.
Homozygous first instar larvae raised at extreme temperatures (ether 17[o]C or 32[o]C) have a highly significant decrease in the number of the quarternary trichomes (in the lateral and dorsal regions where the DG2 and Z enhancers drive strong expression) compared to control larvae.
The primary and tertiary trichomes appear normal on homozygous larvae at all temperatures.
ovosvb-108, wg[+]/wgl-8 has dorsal fine hair phenotype
ovosvb-108/Y ; wgl-8/+ larvae raised at 25[o]C have significantly fewer quaternary trichomes compared to controls.
ovosvb-108 is partially rescued by ovoZ.svb
The reduction in the number of the quarternary trichomes which is seen in homozygous ovosvb-108 larvae raised at extreme temperatures (ether 17[o]C or 32[o]C) is completely rescued by ovoZ.svb in the lateral patch (where the Z enhancer drives high levels of expression), but is not or only very weakly rescued by ovoZ.svb in the dorsal region of the segment (where the Z enhancer only drives expression weakly).