Recombination between the two progenitor insertions has resulted in the deletion of the sequence between them, removing the presumptive promoter region and N-terminal portion of Su(var)3-3.
The positional effect variegation (PEV) at the Sb locus caused by T(2;3)SbV or at the y locus caused by In(1)y3P is significantly suppressed by single copy of Su(var)3-3ΔN. Su(var)3-3ΔN homozygous mutants also display ectopic vein material at the posterior crossvein, although the penetrance is rather low.
Ovaries bearing Su(var)3-3ΔN escort cell clones, namely middle escort clone, can show increased number of germline stem cell-like cells; in these cases, germaria can show an elongated morphology.
Heterozygotes have normal wings.
36% of homozygotes have ectopic wing vein tissue, which emanates from the posterior crossvein, posterior to the L5 longitudinal vein.
80% of homozygotes have a held-out wing phenotype.
The number of prefollicle and follicle cells is strongly reduced in mutant ovaries, and they fail to completely encapsulate the germline cyst.
Su(var)3-3ΔN/+ suppresses the variegation at the w locus which is seen in the In(1)wm4h chromosome and suppresses the variegation at the mutant Sb locus which is seen in the T(2;3)SbV chromosome.
Compared with wild-type controls, homozygous Su(var)3-3ΔN mutant ovaries contain an increased number of single undifferentiated germline stem cell-like cells with round fusomes.
Homozygous Su(var)3-3ΔN mutant germline clones differentiate into morphologically normal egg chambers without any apparent block in differentiation even over long periods of time. The Su(var)3-3ΔN mutant germline stem cell (GSC) clones are maintained at levels similar to control clones.
Homozygous Su(var)3-3ΔN mutant follicle cell clones appear normal and are able to envelope germline cysts fully without any obvious defects. Su(var)3-3ΔN mutant follicle cell clones do not appear to engender an abnormal number of GSCs. Su(var)3-3ΔN mutant follicle stem cell clones are maintained over long periods of time.
Expression of Su(var)3-3Scer\UAS.cDa under the control of Scer\GAL4C587 rescues the germarium and ovariole phenotypes of Su(var)3-3ΔN mutants. However, the fully matured eggs produced by the Su(var)3-3ΔN mutants females expressing Su(var)3-3Scer\UAS.cDa remain sterile.
Crosses of heterozygotes produce only one-third of the expected number of homozygous progeny. The reduction in viability of homozygotes is more dramatic in the male progeny (approximately 90% of the recovered homozygotes are females).
Homozygous females lack proper ovariole structures in the ovary. The formation of egg chambers is abnormal at very early stages. Both germline and follicle cells appear abnormal and the follicle cells fails to encapsulate the 16-cell cysts.
The testes appear morphologically intact in homozygous males, but DNA staining suggest defects during spermatogenesis.
Homozygotes have a held-out wing phenotype and are flightless.
Su(var)3-3ΔN/+ suppresses the variegation at the mutant Sb locus which is seen in the T(2;3)SbV chromosome and suppresses the variegation at the y locus which is seen in the In(1)y3P chromosome.
Su(var)3-3ΔN has visible | adult stage phenotype, enhanceable by httint
Su(var)3-3ΔN has decreased cell number | oogenesis phenotype, suppressible by Df(3L)LINR-2Δ
Su(var)3-3ΔN has visible phenotype, suppressible | partially by lid[+]/Kdm510424
Su(var)3-3[+]/Su(var)3-3ΔN is an enhancer of visible | dominant phenotype of mor3
Su(var)3-3[+]/Su(var)3-3ΔN is an enhancer of visible | dominant phenotype of mor6
Su(var)3-3[+]/Su(var)3-3ΔN is an enhancer of visible | dominant phenotype of polybromoEY14080
Su(var)3-3[+]/Su(var)3-3ΔN is an enhancer of visible | dominant phenotype of polybromoEY14730
Su(var)3-3[+]/Su(var)3-3ΔN is a non-enhancer of visible | dominant phenotype of Snr1E1
Su(var)3-3[+]/Su(var)3-3ΔN is a suppressor of visible | dominant phenotype of mor5
Su(var)3-3[+]/Su(var)3-3ΔN is a suppressor of visible | dominant phenotype of NAx-16
Su(var)3-3[+]/Su(var)3-3ΔN is a non-suppressor of visible | dominant phenotype of Snr1E1
Su(var)3-3[+]/Su(var)3-3ΔN, brm2 has visible | dominant phenotype
Su(var)3-3[+]/Su(var)3-3ΔN, mor1 has visible | dominant phenotype
Su(var)3-3[+]/Su(var)3-3ΔN, polybromoΔ86 has visible | dominant phenotype
Bap170Δ65, Su(var)3-3[+]/Su(var)3-3ΔN has visible | dominant phenotype
Su(var)3-3ΔN has posterior crossvein phenotype, enhanceable by httint
Su(var)3-3ΔN has main body follicle cell | decreased number phenotype, suppressible by Df(3L)LINR-2Δ
Su(var)3-3ΔN has wing vein | ectopic phenotype, suppressible by lid[+]/Kdm510424
Su(var)3-3ΔN has wing phenotype, suppressible | partially by lid[+]/Kdm510424
Su(var)3-3ΔN has follicle cell phenotype, suppressible | partially by lid[+]/Kdm510424
Su(var)3-3ΔN has ovary phenotype, suppressible | partially by Su(H)[+]/Su(H)05
Su(var)3-3ΔN has female germline stem cell | increased number phenotype, suppressible | partially by dpphr92
Su(var)3-3ΔN has female germline stem cell | increased number phenotype, suppressible | partially by dpphr56
Su(var)3-3ΔN has ovary phenotype, non-suppressible by Scer\GAL4Act5C.PI/piwiUASp.tdTomato
Su(var)3-3[+]/Su(var)3-3ΔN is an enhancer of wing vein | ectopic phenotype of mor3
Su(var)3-3[+]/Su(var)3-3ΔN is an enhancer of wing vein | ectopic phenotype of mor6
Su(var)3-3[+]/Su(var)3-3ΔN is an enhancer of wing vein | ectopic phenotype of polybromoEY14080
Su(var)3-3[+]/Su(var)3-3ΔN is an enhancer of wing vein | ectopic phenotype of polybromoEY14730
Su(var)3-3[+]/Su(var)3-3ΔN is a non-enhancer of wing vein | ectopic phenotype of Snr1E1
Su(var)3-3[+]/Su(var)3-3ΔN is a suppressor of wing vein | ectopic phenotype of mor5
Su(var)3-3[+]/Su(var)3-3ΔN is a suppressor of wing vein phenotype of NAx-16
Su(var)3-3[+]/Su(var)3-3ΔN is a non-suppressor of wing vein | ectopic phenotype of Snr1E1
Su(var)3-3[+]/Su(var)3-3ΔN, brm2 has wing vein | ectopic phenotype
Su(var)3-3[+]/Su(var)3-3ΔN, mor1 has wing vein | ectopic phenotype
Su(var)3-3[+]/Su(var)3-3ΔN, polybromoΔ86 has wing vein | ectopic phenotype
Bap170Δ65, Su(var)3-3[+]/Su(var)3-3ΔN has wing vein | ectopic phenotype
Su(var)3-3ΔN, bamhs.PO has female germline cyst phenotype
The penetrance of the ectopic venation phenotype observed in Su(var)3-3ΔN homozygous adults is significantly increased upon combination with httint.
Su(var)3-3ΔN brm2 double heterozygotes can have ectopic wing vein material distal to the posterior crossvein.
Su(var)3-3ΔN mor1 double heterozygotes often have ectopic wing vein material posterior to vein L5 and distal to the posterior crossvein.
100% of Su(var)3-3ΔN mor3 double heterozygotes have ectopic wing vein material.
61% of Su(var)3-3ΔN mor6 double heterozygotes have ectopic wing vein material.
lid10424/+ partially suppresses the held-out wing phenotype and largely suppresses the extra wing vein phenotype which is seen in Su(var)3-3ΔN homozygotes.
lid10424/+ partially suppresses the follicle cell defects seen in Su(var)3-3ΔN females.
Su(H)05/+ partially suppresses the oogenesis defects of Su(var)3-3ΔN homozygous females.
The wing vein truncation phenotype which is seen in NAx-16/+ flies is suppressed by Su(var)3-3ΔN/+.
Expression of bamhs.PO in Su(var)3-3ΔN mutants results in the formation of multicellular cysts that contain branched fusomes indicating that Su(var)3-3ΔN mutant germline cells can undergo differentiation and formation of multicellular cysts.
dpphr56/+ partially suppresses the Su(var)3-3ΔN mutant supernumerary germline cell phenotype resulting in an increased number of germline cysts with branched fusomes and maturing egg chambers.
dpphr92/+ partially suppresses the Su(var)3-3ΔN mutant supernumerary germline cell phenotype resulting in an increased number of germline cysts with branched fusomes and maturing egg chambers.
Su(var)3-3ΔN is rescued by Scer\GAL4C587/Su(var)3-3UASp.Tag:HA
Su(var)3-3ΔN is rescued by Scer\GAL4C587/Su(var)3-3UASt.Tag:HA
Su(var)3-3ΔN is partially rescued by Su(var)3-3UAS.cDa
Expression of Su(var)3-3Scer\UAS.cDa under the control of Scer\GAL4C587 rescues the germarium and ovariole phenotypes of Su(var)3-3ΔN mutants. However, the fully matured eggs produced by the Su(var)3-3ΔN mutants females expressing Su(var)3-3Scer\UAS.cDa remain sterile.