Δ2-3-induced transposition of P{EPgy2}TORCEY00004 generates an approximate 10kb deletion removing the entire TORC coding sequence.
In response to water-only starvation, TORC25-3 flies live an average of less than 36 hours, while wild-type flies live for an average 72 hours.
TORC25-3 flies are sensitive to oxidative stress. Following exposure to paraquat, their mean survival time is reduced by 50% relative to controls.
TORC25-3 flies exhibit a similar food intake to wild-type flies and comparable or elevated levels of physical activity, particularly during fasting.
Respiratory quotients are indistinguishable between TORC25-3 mutant and wild-type flies, indicating that glucose oxidation is appropriately induced during feeding, transitioning to fat burning in response to starvation. Consistent with their starvation sensitivity, however, TORC25-3 mutant flies have lower amounts of stored glycogen and lipid relative to wild-type. These reductions appear specific for adults, as wild-type and TORC25-3 mutant larvae have comparable lipid levels.
Crtc25-3 has short lived phenotype, non-enhanceable by foxo25/foxo[+]
Crtc25-3 has abnormal stress response phenotype, non-enhanceable by foxo25/foxo[+]
Crtc25-3 has short lived phenotype, non-suppressible by foxo25/foxo[+]
Crtc25-3 has abnormal stress response phenotype, non-suppressible by foxo25/foxo[+]
Crtc25-3 is a suppressor of long lived | calorie restriction conditional phenotype of Sik2Δ41
Crtc25-3 is a suppressor of eye phenotype of Pp2B-14Dact.UAS, Scer\GAL4GMR.PF
A TORC25-3 heterozygous background decreases the lipid and glycogen levels in a fed and starved SIK2Δ41 mutant. A TORC25-3 homozygous background further decreases the lipid and glycogen levels in a fed and starved SIK2Δ41 mutant. As the level of TORC decreases, the flies become more sensitive to starvation.
A foxo25 heterozygous background has no effect on survival or lipid accumulation in starved TORC25-3 homozygotes.
Removal of both copies of foxo (foxo25/foxo21) is lethal in TORC25-3 homozygotes.
Eye-specific expression of Pp2B-14Dact.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4GMR.PF fails to promote a rough eye phenotype in TORC25-3 mutant flies.
Crtc25-3 is rescued by CrtcUAS.cWa/Scer\GAL4AD.elav
Crtc25-3 is not rescued by CrtcUAS.cWa/Scer\GAL4r4
Pan-neuronal expression of TORCScer\UAS.cWa under the control of Scer\GAL4AD.elav.T:Zzzz\ZipEERRL,T:SV40\nls2 rescues both the starvation- and paraquat-sensitive phenotypes of TORC25-3 mutant flies. In keeping with this, total lipid levels are elevated in rescued flies. However, lipid levels are only partially restored.
TORCScer\UAS.cWa expression in the fat body under the control of Scer\GAL4r4 does not rescue the starvation sensitivity seen in TORC25-3 mutant flies.