UAS regulatory sequences drive expression of a short inverted repeat.
Expression of Stat92EHMS00035 under the control of Scer\GAL4en-e16E leads to increased cell death in third instar larval wing discs.
The expression of Stat92EHMS00035 under the control of Scer\GAL4en-e16E (and Dicer-2, for more efficient RNAi) leads to a severe size reduction of the third instar larval wing disc posterior compartment, as compared to controls.
Expression of Stat92EHMS00035 under the control of Scer\GAL4C587 results in germaria with fewer spectrosome-containing cells, as compared to controls.
Stat92EHMS00035 driven by Scer\GAL4nos.PU leads to displaced (detached from the hub) germline stem cells and a premature differentiation phenotype (differentiated spermatogonial cysts directly contacting hub cells) in testes.
Expression of Stat92EHMS00035 under the control of Scer\GAL4Cg.PA has no effect on triacylglycerol levels in adults.
Expression of Stat92EHMS00035 under the control of Scer\GAL4dome-PG14 results in lethality at 25[o]C. At 18[o]C, adult flies emerge but they are significantly smaller than normal.
Adults expressing Stat92EHMS00035 under the control of Scer\GAL4dome-PG14 and shifted to 29[o]C for 7 days show a significant reduction in triacylglycerol levels compared to controls.
Expression of Stat92EHMS00035 under the control of Scer\GAL4VGAT.PF results in small, slim flies, as quantified by a reduction in wing area.
Stat92EHMS00035/Scer\GAL4R42A07.-FRT is an enhancer of decreased size | adult stage | somatic clone phenotype of Ecol\lexADBD.R85E08, Hsap\RELAAD.Hsp70, rpr13xlexAop.cHa
Stat92EHMS00035/Scer\GAL4R42A07.-FRT is an enhancer of visible | adult stage | somatic clone phenotype of Ecol\lexADBD.R85E08, Hsap\RELAAD.Hsp70, rpr13xlexAop.cHa
Stat92EHMS00035, Scer\GAL4Bx-MS1096 is a suppressor of increased size | larval stage phenotype of NkapGD11807, Scer\GAL4Bx-MS1096
Stat92EHMS00035, Scer\GAL4phtm.PO is a suppressor | partially of abnormal developmental rate phenotype of Pvrλ.UASp.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4phtm.PO
Stat92EHMS00035, Scer\GAL4phtm.PO is a suppressor | partially of abnormal developmental rate phenotype of Alkact.UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4phtm.PO
Stat92EHMS00035/Scer\GAL4hh.PU is a non-suppressor of increased cell death | larval stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4hh.PU, Spyo\Cas9UAS.P2, wgUAS.wg+intergenic-1.pCFD6
Stat92EHMS00035/Scer\GAL4R42A07.-FRT is an enhancer of wing | somatic clone phenotype of Ecol\lexADBD.R85E08, Hsap\RELAAD.Hsp70, rpr13xlexAop.cHa
Stat92EHMS00035, Scer\GAL4Bx-MS1096 is a suppressor of wing disc | larval stage phenotype of NkapGD11807, Scer\GAL4Bx-MS1096
Stat92EHMS00035/Scer\GAL4C587 is a suppressor of germarium phenotype of Scer\GAL4C587, ciGD1403
Stat92EHMS00035/Scer\GAL4C587 is a suppressor of spectrosome phenotype of Scer\GAL4C587, ciGD1403
Stat92EHMS00035/Scer\GAL4hh.PU is a non-suppressor of wing disc posterior compartment | larval stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4hh.PU, Spyo\Cas9UAS.P2, wgUAS.wg+intergenic-1.pCFD6
Co-expression of Stat92EHMS00035 suppresses the increased number of spectrosomes in the germaria of flies expressing smoJF02363 under the control of Scer\GAL4C587.