UAS regulatory sequences drive expression of a short inverted repeat.
Knockdown of mopHMS00706 driven in the class IV dendritic arborizing sensory neuron ddaC by Scer\GAL4ppk.1.9 leads to disruptions in pruning at 18hr (but not 0hr) after puparium formation, with dendrites still attached to the cell body (resulting from a lack of branch severing and clearance defects). Knockdown of mopHMS00706 driven in the class IV dendritic arborizing sensory neuron ddaC by Scer\GAL4ppk.1.9 leads to accumulation of ubiquitinated proteins (defects in multivesicular body formation) in third instar larvae. Knockdown of mopHMS00706 driven in class I da sensory neurons by Scer\GAL4smid-C161 or in mushroom body gamma neurons by Scer\GAL4Tab2-201Y leads to significant disruption in dendrite or axon (respectively) severing at 24hr after puparium formation, compared to controls.
Females heterozygous for mopHMS00706 and MTD-Gal4 (consists of Scer\GAL4otu.T:Hsim\VP16, Scer\GAL4nos.PG and Scer\GAL4nos.UTR.T:Hsim\VP16) crossed to mopHMS00706 males results in: 11% hatching; egg/embryonic phenotype: "empty, all white"; maternal effect.
mopHMS00706, Scer\GAL4GMR.PU is an enhancer of visible | adult stage phenotype of HPV18\E6UAS.Tag:MYC, Hsap\UBE3AUAS.cRa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PU
mopHMS00706, Scer\GAL4GMR.PU is an enhancer of eye phenotype of HPV18\E6UAS.Tag:MYC, Hsap\UBE3AUAS.cRa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PU
Co-expression of mopWD.Scer\UAS (but not mopmut.Scer\UAS) rescues dendrite pruning defects seen when mopHMS00706 is driven in the class IV dendritic arborizing sensory neuron ddaC by Scer\GAL4ppk.1.9 at 18hr after puparium formation.