FLPase-mediated recombination between the two progenitor insertions (PBac{WH}dsxf00683 and P{XP}d07058) results in a deletion which eliminates all dsx coding sequences. Neighbouring genes are intact.
Scer\FRT-mediated recombination between the two progenitor insertions has deleted the sequence between them, eliminating all dsx coding sequences.
abnormal song (with dsx1)
dsx1/dsxf00683-d07058 males do not sing sine song and they sing less pulse song, with significant defects in inter-pulse interval, carrier frequency and amplitude, compared to heterozygous controls.
dsxGAL4(DBD)::Zip-/dsxf00683-d07058 adult males have a similar number of doublesex TN1A neurons to dsxGAL4(DBD)::Zip-/+ controls; these neurons have a similar gross morphology and similar anterior arbor volume, but significantly reduced posterior arbor volume, compared to dsxGAL4(DBD)::Zip-/+ controls.
dsxf01649-d09625/dsxf00683-d07058 mutant animals do not have spermathecae or female accessory glands. All males have two accessory glands.
dsxf00683-d07058/Df(3R)dsx15 mutant males develop two accessory glands.