Amino acid replacement: Q97term.
Predicted to affect all lola isoforms.
Q97term | lola-PA; Q97term | lola-PAA; Q97term | lola-PB; Q97term | lola-PC; Q97term | lola-PD; Q97term | lola-PE; Q97term | lola-PF; Q97term | lola-PG; Q97term | lola-PH; Q97term | lola-PI; Q97term | lola-PJ; Q97term | lola-PK; Q97term | lola-PL; Q97term | lola-PM; Q97term | lola-PO; Q97term | lola-PP; Q97term | lola-PQ; Q97term | lola-PR; Q97term | lola-PT; Q97term | lola-PU; Q97term | lola-PV; Q97term | lola-PW; Q97term | lola-PX; Q97term | lola-PY; Q97term | lola-PZ
Affects all lola isoforms. Site of nucleotide substitution in mutant inferred by FlyBase based on reported amino acid change.
gonad | embryonic stage (with lolaC28)
gonad | embryonic stage (with lolae76)
gonad | embryonic stage (with lolaORC4)
lola22.05/lola46.38, lola22.05/lolae76 and lola22.05/lolaORC4 transheterozygous embryos, but not lola22.05 heterozygotes, display a significant increase in defects in the fusion together and compaction of primordial germ cells and somatic gonadal precursor cells, as compared to controls.
lola22.05/lola46.38 transheterozygous embryos also display a significant increase in the number of extragonadal primordial germ cells, but no obvious defects in the development of the visceral mesoderm, as compared to controls.
Homozygous lola22.05 mutant embryos exhibit defects in gonad development.
lolaC28/lola22.05 mutant embryos exhibit gonad development defects that are similar in penetrance and severity to either lolaC28 or lola22.05 homozygotes.
Homozygous lola22.05 mutant embryos display interruptions in the longitudinal axonal tracts of the ventral nerve cord.
lola46.38/lola22.05 has gonad | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by rib55.25/rib[+]
lola46.38/lola22.05 has gonadal sheath proper primordium phenotype, enhanceable by rib55.25/rib[+]
lola46.38/lola22.05 has germline cell | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by rib55.25/rib[+]
lola[+]/lola22.05 is an enhancer of gonad | embryonic stage phenotype of rib35.14/rib55.25
lola[+]/lola22.05 is an enhancer of gonadal sheath proper primordium phenotype of rib35.14/rib55.25
lola[+]/lola22.05 is an enhancer of germline cell | embryonic stage phenotype of rib35.14/rib55.25
lola22.05, rib35.14/rib[+] has gonadal sheath proper primordium phenotype
lola22.05, rib35.14/rib[+] has gonad | embryonic stage phenotype
lola22.05, rib35.14/rib[+] has germline cell | embryonic stage phenotype
Scer\GAL4twi.PG, lolaC28/lola22.05, midUAS.cBa has fat body/gonad primordium phenotype
Scer\GAL4twi.PG, lolaC28/lola22.05, midUAS.cBa has gonad | embryonic stage phenotype
lola22.05/+, rib35.14/+ double heterozygous embryos display a very significant increase in defects in the fusion together and compaction of primordial germ cells and somatic gonadal precursor cells, as compared to controls.
Heterozygosity for lola22.05 significantly enhances the defects exhibited by rib35.14/rib55.25 transheterozygous embryos to fuse together and compact primordial germ cells and somatic gonadal precursor cells.
When midScer\UAS.cBa is expressed in the mesoderm of lolaC28/lola22.05 mutant embryos under the control of Scer\GAL4twi.PG 'super-elongated' gonads are produced in more than 50% of stage 15 embryos. Although somatic gonadal precursor (SGP) cluster formation occurs, these gonads remain elongated, spanning several parasegments. Far more SGPs are seen than in sibling controls, and these extra SGPs arise from conversion from fat body cells at stage 13.
lolaC28/lola22.05 is rescued by lolaUAS.R.GFP/Scer\GAL4twi.PG
lolaC28/lola22.05 is not rescued by Scer\GAL4twi.PG/lolaL.UAS
Expression of lolaScer\UAS.R.T:Avic\GFP in the mesoderm under the control of Scer\GAL4twi.PG rescues the gonad defects of lolaC28/lola22.05 mutant embryos, leading to round and compact stage 15 gonads and few germ cells that have not been ensheathed by somatic gonadal precursor cells.
Expression of lolaL.Scer\UAS in the mesoderm under the control of Scer\GAL4twi.PG does not rescue the gonad defects of lolaC28/lola22.05 mutant embryos.
Expression of lolaScer\UAS.R.T:Avic\GFP in the mesoderm under the control of Scer\GAL4twi.PG rescues the gonad defects of homozygous lola22.05 mutant embryos.