Generated by heat shock FLP-induced FRT-mediated recombination of PBac{RB}C3Ge03301 and P{XP}d00064, resulting in a 17.615kbp deletion of most of the C3G coding region.
Deletion of most of C3G resulting from FLP-catalyzed recombination using the FRT-containing transposons P{XP}d00064 and PBac{RB}C3Ge03301.
Homozygous flies are viable and fertile but have a reduced eclosion rate compared to wild type. Approximately 70% of C3GMS mutants hatch into larvae, with only 32% eclosing into adult flies.
Adult flies have a shorter lifespan than controls, with a survival rate of 50% after 9 days.
Ventral longitudinal muscle detachment, mistargeting and thinning is seen in 90% of 3rd instar larvae compared to 30% of controls. Muscle defects can be detected in second instar larvae but are not seen during the late embryonic stages.
The sarcomeric muscle architecture is disorganised in homozygous larvae compared to wild type.
TUNEL assays do not detect any difference between apoptosis levels in mutant larval muscles and controls.
C3GMS is partially rescued by Scer\GAL4Mef2.PR/C3GUAS.Tag:MYC
Expression of C3GScer\UAS.T:Hsap\MYC under the control of Scer\GAL4Mef2.PR rescues 75% of the muscle defects seen in C3GMS homozygotes.