FLP-mediated transposition of PBac{WH}hipkf03158 and P{XP}hipkd10792 generates a deletion that removes ~92% of the hipk coding region by replacing residues 1-1243 with the w+ marker gene.
FLP-mediated transposition of PBac{WH}Hipkf03158 and P{XP}Hipkd10792 generates a deletion that removes ~92% of the Hipk coding region by replacing residues 1-1243 with the w+ marker gene.
Wings mosaic for hipkw.D1 are normal at eclosion, but upon aging show severe blemishing and persisting cell phenotypes.
hipkw.D1 mutants are lethal before the 3rd instar stage. Approximately 70% of hipkw.D1 homozygotes hatch to 1st instar larvae.
Zygotic hipkw.D1 animals possess cell numbers equivalent to wild-type, but maternal hipkw.D1 embryos have supernumerary cells comparable to levels seem in apoptosis-deficient embryos (i.e. Df(3L)H99 embryos). hipkw.D1 mutants show extra exex-positive cells and altered CNS patterning. hipkw.D1 mutant pupal eyes exhibit more interommatidial cells, indicative of a defect in cell death. Distorted patterning of ommatidia and abnormal numbers of primary pigment cells are also seen in a subset of animals.