Deletion of guanine at nucleotide position 89 of Sdc exon 3, resulting in a frameshift followed by a premature stop codon.
Deletion of a G residue in exon 3 leads to a frameshift and early translation termination. Mutant created by end in homogous recombination.
viable (with Df(2R)PI12)
viable (with Df(2R)XE-2900)
Mutant embryos show mild defects in the infiltration of astrocyte processes into the neuropil and in migration of the ventral-most astrocyte.
Adult Sdc2639 escapers have no obvious external phenotypes. However in third instar larvae the 10 dorsal branches of the tracheal system often fail to establish a dorsal anastomosis at the midline, a phenotype that is rarely seen in wild type or heterozygotes. Ganglionic branch number and length are also reduced. The frequency of missing anastomoses varies between segments, but overall almost half of all dorsal branches fail to fuse. The fusion failures can be divided into three distinct phenotypic categories; failure of dorsal branches to meet due to anterior-posterior axis guidance defects, dorsal branches that reach the midline but fail to fuse, and dorsal branches that are incomplete or completely absent. Removal of the maternal gene product results in an enhanced phenotype.
Sdc2639 homozygous third instar larvae have a reduced number of dorsal branch cells compared to wild type and heterozygotes. Stalk cells, terminal cells and fusion cells are all affected. In dorsal branches in which terminal cells are present the terminal extensions are not significantly reduced. The loss of different cell types is not random but occurs in order (two stalk cells followed by the terminal cell, the fusion cell and then the final two stalk cells).
In Sdc2639/Sdc23 third instar larvae the 10 dorsal branches of the tracheal system fail to establish a dorsal anastomosis at the midline.
In the majority of Sdc2639 single fusion cell clones (15/16) dorsal branch fusion occurs normally.
SaraUbi.PJ, Sdc48/Sdc2639 has partially lethal - majority die phenotype
Sdc2639 has adult dorsal tracheal branch | third instar larval stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by sli2/sli[+]
Sdc2639 has adult dorsal tracheal branch | third instar larval stage phenotype, non-suppressible by lea[+]/robo2S4-14
One copy of sli2 partially suppresses the dorsal branch fusion phenotype seen in the tracheal system of Sdc2639 homozygous third instar larvae. One copy each of sli2 and Sdc2639 does not produce any dorsal branch fusion defects.
One copy of leaS4-14 fails to suppress the dorsal branch fusion phenotype seen in the tracheal system of Sdc2639 homozygous third instar larvae. One copy each of leaS4-14 and Sdc2639 does not produce any dorsal branch fusion defects.
Sdc2639 is rescued by SdcRESC.ΔC.UAS/Scer\GAL4btl.PS
Sdc2639 is partially rescued by SdcRESC.UAS/Scer\GAL4btl.PS
Expression of SdcRESC.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4btl.PS rescues the loss of dorsal branch fusion seen in Sdc2639 mutants, but fails to rescue the semi-lethality.
Expression of SdcRESC.ΔC.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4btl.PS rescues the loss of dorsal branch fusion seen in Sdc2639 mutants.