Nucleotide substitution: C544T.
Amino acid replacement: Q182term.
Q182term | Cnx99A-PA; Q182term | Cnx99A-PB; Q182term | Cnx99A-PD; Q182term | Cnx99A-PE
Mutants display age-related retinal degeneration. Photoreceptor cells in 1-day-old mutants display diminished rhabdomere size, accumulation of rough ER membranes and dilated Golgi. At 1 month, mutants display a dramatic loss of rhabdomeres in the R1-6 photoreceptor cells, while R7 and R8 rhabdomeres remain. Mutants raised in constant darkness display a less severe retinal degeneration phenotype compared to those grown on a 12:12 hour light:dark cycle.
Macroscopic responses of Cnx99A1 photoreceptors (from dissociated ommatidia) to brief test flashes and modest light steps are greatly reduced in sensitivity compared to wild type.