UAS regulatory sequences drive expression of a short inverted repeat.
Expressing Cul3HMS01572 under the control of Scer\GAL4VP16.mat.αTub67C induces a thicker F-actin cytoskeleton in egg chamber ring canals.
Expression of Cul3HMS01572 RNAi under the control of Scer\GAL4mat.αTub67C.T:Hsim\VP16 results in a ring canal phenotype in the egg chambers: the F-actin cytoskeleton is disorganized, the kel protein accumulates in the lumen and the lumen diameter is significantly smaller compared to controls.
Expression of Cul3HMS01572 in somatic cyst cells under the control of any of Scer\GAL4tj-NP1624, Scer\GAL4A3.eya or Scer\GAL4c784 (limited to a week from eclosion onwards using Scer\GAL80ts.αTub84B) does not disrupt germline enclosure in testes, and cytoplasmic extensions from the cyst cells are clearly seen in the expected net-like pattern around the germline.
Cul3HMS01572, Scer\GAL4VP16.mat.αTub67C has nurse cell ring canal phenotype, suppressible by hts[+]/htsT776fs
Cul3HMS01572, Scer\GAL4VP16.mat.αTub67C has filamentous actin | oogenesis phenotype, suppressible by hts[+]/htsT776fs