UAS regulatory sequences drive expression of a short inverted repeat.
Expression of grpHMS01573 under the control of Scer\GAL4nos.PU in the absence of DNA damage does not affect the number of germline stem cells in adult female germaria.
Females heterozygous for grpHMS01573 and MTD-Gal4 (consists of Scer\GAL4otu.T:Hsim\VP16, Scer\GAL4nos.PG and Scer\GAL4nos.UTR.T:Hsim\VP16) crossed to grpHMS01573 males results in: 47% hatching; egg/embryonic phenotype: a few weird embryos; maternal effect.
Scer\GAL4hh.PU/grpHMS01573 is a non-suppressor of increased cell death | larval stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4hh.PU, Spyo\Cas9UAS.P2, wgUAS.wg+intergenic-1.pCFD6
Scer\GAL4nanos.PU/grpHMS01573 is a non-suppressor of decreased cell number | female | adult stage | temperature conditional phenotype of Crei\I-CreIhs.PR
Scer\GAL4hh.PU/grpHMS01573 is a non-suppressor of wing disc posterior compartment | larval stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4hh.PU, Spyo\Cas9UAS.P2, wgUAS.wg+intergenic-1.pCFD6
Scer\GAL4nanos.PU/grpHMS01573 is a non-suppressor of female germline stem cell | adult stage | temperature conditional phenotype of Crei\I-CreIhs.PR
Expression of grpHMS01573 controlled by Scer\GAL4nos.PU has no effect on the GSCs number in Crei\I-CreIhs.PR mutant background either in the presence or absence of DNA damage (evoked by heat-shock).