Scer\GAL4Rapgap1-OK6-mediated expression of Fas2C.Scer\UAS has no effect on NMJ synaptic bouton number.
Scer\GAL4RapGAP1-OK6/Fas2C.UAS is a non-suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | third instar larval stage phenotype of beag1/Df(3R)Exel6151
Scer\GAL4RapGAP1-OK6/Fas2C.UAS is a non-suppressor of NMJ bouton | third instar larval stage phenotype of beag1/Df(3R)Exel6151
Co-expression of Fas2Scer\UAS.cLa, Fas2Scer\UAS.cLb or Fas2C.Scer\UAS in third instar larvae with GluRIICdsRNA.Scer\UAS.cBa simultaneously driven by Scer\GAL4C57 and Scer\GAL4elav-C155 does not impair homeostatic compensation at the neuromuscular junction (significant reduction in mEPSP and significant increase in quantal content compared to controls, just as is seen in larvae with expression of GluRIICdsRNA.Scer\UAS.cBa simultaneously driven by Scer\GAL4C57 and Scer\GAL4elav-C155).
Scer\GAL4Rapgap1-OK6-mediated expression of Fas2C.Scer\UAS does not rescue synaptic bouton number or average synaptic bouton area of beag1/Df(3R)Exel6151 animals.
Scer\GAL4RapGAP1-OK6/Fas2C.UAS fails to rescue Df(1)BSC869/Fas2e76
Fas2C.UAS/Scer\GAL4da.G32 fails to rescue Fas2RNAi.UAS.A
Scer\GAL4da.G32-mediated expression of Fas2C.Scer\UAS does not rescue the reduction in bouton number induced by Fas2dsRNA.Scer\UAS.A expression.
Scer\GAL4Rapgap1-OK6-mediated expression of Fas2C.Scer\UAS does not rescue the reduced bouton number of Fas2e76/Df(1)BSC869 animals.