Imprecise excision of the progenitor insertion, resulting in a deletion that removes part of Cad99C, spanning from 3572bp 5' to 7174bp 3' of the translation start codon.
Deletion resulting from the imprecise excision of P{EP}Cad99CGE23478, which removes sequences from 3572bp 5' to 7174bp 3' of the Cad99C translation start codon.
Eggs laid by homozygous females spontaneously collapse after deposition and do not develop into larvae. These eggs are nearly all permeable to the dye Neutral Red after dechorionation, suggesting a vitelline membrane defect. Ultrastructurally, the mutant vitelline membrane is of uneven thickness and occasionally has holes.
More than 80% of eggs laid by Cad99C57A/Cad99C51C and Cad99C51C/Cad99C120B females are permeable to the dye Neutral Red after dechorionation, suggesting a vitelline membrane defect. Ultrastructurally, the Cad99C57A/Cad99C51C vitelline membrane is of uneven thickness and occasionally has holes.