Imprecise excision of the progenitor insertion, resulting in a deletion that removes part of Cad99C, spanning from 4999bp 5' to 75bp 5' of the translation start codon.
Deletion resulting from the imprecise excision of P{EP}Cad99CGE23478, which removes sequences from 4999bp 5' to 75bp 5' of the Cad99C translation start codon.
Most embryos from Cad99C57A/Cad99C120B females are not recoverable. Most (>90%) of these maternal and zygotic (M/Z)Cad99C-expressed embryos develop normally but have longer, thinner salivary glands than in wild-type; only a small subset of the recovered embryos show severe morphological defects. Embryos missing only maternal or only zygotic function do not have overt defects. No phenotypic differences are detected at the ultrastructural level in comparisons of stage 15/16 Cad99C[M/Z] mutant and wild-type salivary glands. The overall polarity of Cad99C[MZ] mutant salivary glands appear unaffected and the mutant salivary glands migrate normally, contacting the same tissues at all stages as wild-type salivary glands. Total cell numbers are not significantly different and the apical domain size and elongation ratio of individual cells is also unchanged. Indeed, the only difference is that fewer cells surround the lumen in cross-sections of the Cad99C[M/Z] mutant salivary glands compared with wild-type. Thus, the longer, thinner salivary gland lumen in Cad99C[M/Z] mutants reflect differences in cell rearrangement during tube elongation.
Eggs laid by homozygous females spontaneously collapse after deposition and do not develop into larvae. These eggs are nearly all permeable to the dye Neutral Red after dechorionation, suggesting a vitelline membrane defect.
More than 80% of eggs laid by Cad99C57A/Cad99C120B and Cad99C51C/Cad99C120B females are permeable to the dye Neutral Red after dechorionation, suggesting a vitelline membrane defect.
Cad99C120B/Cad99C57A is a suppressor | partially of embryonic/larval salivary gland phenotype of AdamTS-AKO/Df(3R)88F5
Cad99C57A/Cad99C120B significantly rescues the salivary gland defects of AdamTS-AKO/Df(3R)88F5 embryos.