UASt drives expression of a full-length Hsap\ATXN3 cDNA bearing an expanded 92x CAG polyglutamine codon repeat, and C-terminally tagged with Tag:MYC in the main reading frame, Tag:HA in the -1 reading frame, and Tag:polyHis in the +1 reading frame. Expression from this transgene leads to production of both mainframe and -1 frameshifted, but not +1 frameshifted, proteins.
When expressed with Scer\GAL4GMR.PU, two of three Hsap\ATXN3CAG92.Scer\UAS.T:Ivir\HA1,T:Hsap\MYC,T:Zzzz\His6 lines have an overt eye phenotype from eclosion, while the thrid line develops the same phenotype 5 days post-eclosion. The phenotype is characterized by visible disruption of both morphology ('rough eye') and pigmentation, and it worsens over time: at 20 days post-eclosion, the pigmentation is completely absent and morphology is severely disrupted. Tangential sections reveal a marked degeneration of cells in the retina and severely disrupted morphology. Transversal sections reveal degeneration of the eye, signified by thinning of the retina.