Flies expressing HmgDScer\UAS.P\T.cCa under the control of Scer\GAL4nos.PG show reduced viability compared to controls.
Expression of HmgDScer\UAS.P\T.cCa under the control of Scer\GAL4Act.PU results in lethality. The larvae develop normally at the first and second instar larval stages. However the third instar larvae crawl to the vial walls and fail to pupariate properly. Most larvae die within a few days, but the few malformed pupae that do appear form five days after larval hatching. Some of these pupae are slightly tanned, but most body parts resemble larvae. Unlike in wild type, these abnormal bodies do not shorten at the beginning of pupariation. A few pupae are normally tanned, but the heads are still connected to the larval spicules and so do not evert at all, and the larval hooks are not ejected. Feeding ecdysone to the larvae does is unable to suppress this lethality.