Scer\GAL4ey-OK107-mediated expression of Dscam1miRNA.Scer\UAS.18 causes defects in larval mushroom body lobe morphology: 88% of MBs have one huge and one skinny lobe.
Scer\GAL4tub.PU-mediated expression of Dscam1miRNA.Scer\UAS.18 fails to disrupt the ladder-like neuronal tracts in the embryonic ventral ganglion.
Major neural structures of the larval CNS are unaffected by Scer\GAL4ase.neuro/Scer\GAL4elav-C155-mediated expression of DscammiRNA.Scer\UAS.18.
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107-mediated expression of DscammiRNA.Scer\UAS.18 severely disrupts the formation of the alpha/beta lobes of the adult mushroom body.
Scer\GAL4GH146-mediated expression of DscammiRNA.Scer\UAS.18 in vPN neuroblast clones potently suppresses the elaboration of dendrites in the antennal lobes and disrupts their axonal arborization in the lateral horns.
Abl2/Abl4, Dscam1RNAi.UAS.18 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype
Abl2/Abl4, Dscam1RNAi.UAS.18 has larval ventral nerve cord | embryonic stage phenotype
Scer\GAL4tub.PU-mediated expression of Dscam1miRNA.Scer\UAS.18 in a Abl2/Abl4 background causes commisureless phenotypes in the ladder-like neuronal tracts in 19% of embryonic ventral ganglion segments.
Dscam1RNAi.UAS.18 is partially rescued by Dscam1exon17.2.UAS.GFP/Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Dscam1RNAi.UAS.18 is partially rescued by Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Dscam117.1-17.2.UAS.GFP
Dscam1RNAi.UAS.18 is not rescued by Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Dscam1exon17.1.UAS.GFP
Dscam1RNAi.UAS.18 is not rescued by Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Dscam117.2-17.1.UAS.GFP
Co-expression of Dscamexon17.1.Scer\UAS.T:Avic\GFP fails to rescue the mushroom body phenotype of DscammiRNA.Scer\UAS.18 Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 animals.
Co-expression of Dscamexon17.2.Scer\UAS.T:Avic\GFP partially rescues the mushroom body phenotype of DscammiRNA.Scer\UAS.18 Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 animals.
Co-expression of Dscam17.2-17.1.Scer\UAS.T:Avic\GFP fails to rescue the mushroom body phenotype of DscammiRNA.Scer\UAS.18 Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 animals.
Co-expression of Dscam17.1-17.2.Scer\UAS.T:Avic\GFP partially rescues the mushroom body phenotype of DscammiRNA.Scer\UAS.18 Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 animals.