Nucleotide substitution: C?T.
Amino acid replacement: Q1250term.
Q1250term | rhea-PB; Q1250term | rhea-PC; Q1250term | rhea-PD; Q1250term | rhea-PE; Q1250term | rhea-PF; Q1229term | rhea-PG; Q1250term | rhea-PH
Site of nucleotide substitution in mutant inferred by FlyBase based on reported amino acid change.
rhea6-66 mutants exhibit terminal cell pruning with multiple convoluted lumens.
In rhea6-66 dorsal branch terminal cell clones in third instar larvae have ~90% fewer terminal branches than wild-type clones. Almost every terminal cell lumen of the rhea6-66 clones appears convoluted and all branches contain multiple lumens. When individual rhea6-66 clones are imaged in live early third instar larvae and again 48 hours later, terminal branches are lost or collapsed as the multi-lumen defect becomes more prominent. Lumens are often displaced from branches before the branch is completely lost.
rhea[+]/rhea6-66 is a suppressor of male germline stem cell phenotype of Socs36EPZ1647
Based on the extent of the tracheal luminal phenotype, the following rhea alleles can be ranked from weakest to strongest: rhea15-39 < rhea14-69 < rhea6-66 < rhea13-8.