1187 bp deletion resulting from the imprecise excision of P{GSV6}Vps2GS11024, which deletes sequences from 64 bases upstream of the Vps2 translation initiation codon to 292 bp downstream of the termination codon. A relic P element sequence (CATGATGAAATAAGTATACTTG) from P{GSV6} is found next to the deleted region.
Homozygous vps22 cells fail to form large somatic clones in wing imaginal discs in a wild-type genetic background. However, large clones can be induced in a minute (heterozygous RpS3Plac92) genetic background. When clones induced in a minute background, a marked overproliferation of cells the wing imaginal discs is observed. The wing discs frequently fuse with haltere and leg discs. Even in wing discs that maintain a normal size, the epithelial structure appear disorganised. The apico-basal polarity of the cortical actin distribution appear disrupted in these cells. Compared with wild-type cells, the position of the nuclei along the apico-basal axis of the mutant cells is disorganised. The nuclei are occasionally fragmented, suggesting that apoptosis is induced.
Vps22 is not rescued by Vps2UAS.cAa/Scer\GAL4Act5C.PI