A 1235 base pair fragment from the flanking non-coding or intronic region of DAT is fused upstream of a Drosophila core synthetic promoter (DSCP) followed by sequence encoding a lexA::p65 driver. The driver sequence has been optimized for Drosophila codon usage. An Hsp70 transcriptional terminator is present.
Drives expression in dopaminergic PAM neurons and larval dopaminergic pPAM neurons.
EcollexAGMR58E02 positive dopaminergic PAM neurons are in close proximity with ScerGAL4GMR66C08 expressing mushroom body medial lobe arborizing neuron 6 as shown by a positive GFP reconstitution across synaptic partners (GRASP) signal.
Some dopaminergic PAM neurons labelled by EcollexAGMR58E02 are also co-labelled by ScerGAL4ple.PF.
Thermogenetic activation (using TrpA113xlexAop.JFRC26 at 30[o]C) of Ecol\lexAGMR58E02 cells in starved adults, in combination with a paired odor, results in a significant increase in 2-min associative attractive olfactory memory, compared to controls.
Ecol\lexAGMR58E02, TrpA113xlexAop.JFRC26 has abnormal memory | adult stage | heat sensitive phenotype, non-enhanceable by Scer\GAL4Mef2.247/Dop1R1f02676
Ecol\lexAGMR58E02, TrpA113xlexAop.JFRC26 has abnormal memory | adult stage | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Dop1R1f02676
Ecol\lexAGMR58E02, TrpA113xlexAop.JFRC26 has abnormal memory | adult stage | heat sensitive phenotype, non-suppressible by Scer\GAL4Mef2.247/Dop1R1f02676
Although alleles from the Janelia Farm lexA driver collection incorporate the same enhancer fragments used to create the Janelia Farm GAL4 driver alleles (GMR_Brain_exp_1), significant differences are frequently observed in the expression pattern of a given enhancer fragment inserted in the P{CaryP}attP40 or other docking site compared to the same fragment inserted in the P{CaryP}attP2 docking site. Generally the Ecol\lexA patterns are subsets of the Scer\GAL4 patterns.