Amino acid replacement: A276V.
Nucleotide substitution: C827T.
A276V | PIG-V-PA; A276V | PIG-V-PB; A276V | PIG-V-PC
The rhabdomeres are reduced in size in 1 day old mutants raised on a 12 hour light: 12 hour dark cycle. The rhabdomere microvilli are disorganised and collapsing from the periphery of the rhabdomere. By 2 weeks of age, there are further defects in the overall structural integrity of the photoreceptor cells and the rhabdomeres are nearly absent.
PIG-VA276V is rescued by PIG-VninaE.PR
PIG-VA276V is rescued by PIG-VW62L.ninaE
PIG-VA276V is partially rescued by PIG-VQ306A.ninaE
PIG-VA276V is not rescued by PIG-VD63A.ninaE
PIG-VA276V is not rescued by PIG-VW310L.ninaE
PIG-VninaE.PR rescues the rhabdomere degeneration seen in PIG-VA276V flies.
PIG-VA276V adults expressing PIG-VW62L.ninaE show a wild-type deep pseudopupil and normal rhabdomere morphology at two weeks of age.
PIG-VA276V adults expressing either PIG-VD63A.ninaE or PIG-VW310L.ninaE show chaoptic rhabdomeres and severe retinal degeneration at two weeks of age.
PIG-VA276V adults expressing PIG-VQ306A.ninaE show some retinal degeneration at 2 weeks of age: the rhabdomeres show signs of microvillar instability and there is an overall disruption in photoreceptor cell organisation compared to wild type.