Amino acid replacement coordinates are with respect to the kdn-PB isoform.
Amino acid replacement: W370term.
W312term | Cs1-PA; W370term | Cs1-PB
Nucleotide substitution reported with respect to the kdn-PB isoform. G to A nucleotide change at the second or third position of the Trp codon leads to a nonsense mutation (exact site of mutation unspecified). Site of nucleotide substitution in mutant inferred by FlyBase based on reported amino acid change.
kdnA clones in mosaic early third instar larval fat bodies show small cells compared to controls; these do not accumulate autophagosome-like structures (Atg8a-positive), as compared to controls.
kdn[+]/Cs1A is a suppressor | partially of adult optic lobe glial cell | cell non-autonomous phenotype of ND-42ninaE.GD6220
kdn[+]/Cs1A is a suppressor | partially of lipid droplet | cell non-autonomous | adult stage phenotype of ND-42ninaE.GD6220
kdn[+]/Cs1A is a suppressor | partially of adult optic lobe glial cell | cell non-autonomous phenotype of MarfninaE.GD11094
kdn[+]/Cs1A is a suppressor | partially of lipid droplet | cell non-autonomous | adult stage phenotype of MarfninaE.GD11094
kdn[+]/Cs1A is a suppressor | partially of adult optic lobe glial cell | cell non-autonomous phenotype of MetRS-mninaE.KK108492
kdn[+]/Cs1A is a suppressor | partially of lipid droplet | cell non-autonomous | adult stage phenotype of MetRS-mninaE.KK108492
The accumulation of lipid droplets in glial cells in the vicinity of adult photoreceptor neurons expressing either ND-42ninaE.GD6220 or MarfninaE.GD11094 is ameliorated by combination with a single copy of kdnA.
Rescued by: Dp(1;3)DC155.