Male recombination in flies carrying P{EPgy2}Rbpn-5EY21320 has resulted in a deletion encompassing Rbpn-5, CG4038 and CG34396.
Rbpn-5Del1 mutants (Df(2R)CG4030Del1 homozygotes in which P{CH322-86L04-ΔCG4030} has been used to rescue the function of all the deleted genes except Rbpn-5) have an extended larval stage (approximately doubled compared to wild type at 25[o]C). The mutant larvae grow significantly larger than wild type, before dying shorter after pupation. The wing discs of the mutant larvae are variable in size, with many being no larger than normal. However, the epithelium is highly overgrown and folded in on itself. Cell size within the discs appears to be variable, with many of the cells being extremely enlarged.
Homozygous Rbpn-5Del1 clones in the pupal wing are viable and appear similar to wild type (being neither obviously over- or under-proliferating).