Insertion of a Mi{Hto-WP} element within Actβ ( 4:107 ,986 (+) -Release 6). The hostile takeover (hto) exon in the Mi{Hto-WP} element splices to the downstream sv exon 2. This results in a fusion protein being expressed under the control of Scer\UAS regulatory sequences in the Mi{Hto-WP} element. The fusion protein consists of 3 copies of the T:Zzzz\FLAG tag, the mCherry form of Disc\RFP, a 9 amino acid linker sequence translated from the sv 5'UTR exon (ELIHFVESL) and the coding sequence of sv.
The Mi{Hto-WP}ActβOMD insertion lies within the Actβ transcription unit. The insertion targets the downstream sv gene (a protein-trap fusion protein can be overexpressed from the Scer\UAS sequences within the Mi{Hto-WP} element in the presence of a Scer\GAL4 driver).
head | dorsal, with Scer\GAL4ey.PU
Expression of one copy of svOMD under the control of Scer\GAL4GMR.PU produces flies that have glazed eyes (lacking clear separation of ommatidia) that are nearly colorless.
Expression of svOMD under the control of Scer\GAL4Bx-MS1096 results in severely stunted wings, even at 18[o]C.
Expression of svOMD under the control of Scer\GAL4ey.PU results in a mispatterned dorsal head.