Nucleotide substitution: C?T.
Amino acid replacement: Q560term.
Q560term | scaf6-PA
scaf612M9/Df(3L)ED4674 animals live until the late pupal stage, but rarely eclose.
scaf612M9 is rescued by scaf6+tCH322-104B15
Associated with: a second lesion located between 74E--80B.
The "12M9" chromosome contains two lesions which interact in affecting transposon silencing during oogenesis. The distal mutation, scaf612M9, causes weak transposon activation (measured by the mean level of HeT-A mRNA), which is enhanced by the proximal mutation (which is located between 74E--80B). The proximal mutation has no apparent maternal phenotype in the absence of scaf612M9. Germline clones homozygous for both lesions have defective germ cell maintenance such that no developing egg chambers remain 10 days after clone induction.