V72G | Smn-PA; V72G | Smn-PB
Analogous mutation in human SMN1 implicated in spinal muscular atrophy, type II; mutation carried on in vitro construct; site of nucleotide substitution in fly gene inferred by FlyBase curator based on reported amino acid change.
SmnV72G.Tag:FLAG/SmnY208C.Tag:FLAG partially rescues SmnX7
SmnTag:FLAG/SmnV72G.Tag:FLAG partially rescues SmnX7
SmnV72G.Tag:FLAG partially rescues SmnX7
SmnV72G.Tag:FLAG/SmnG210V.Tag:FLAG partially rescues SmnX7
SmnY203C.Tag:FLAG/SmnV72G.Tag:FLAG partially rescues SmnX7
SmnTag:FLAG/SmnV72G.Tag:FLAG partially rescues SmnX7
SmnV72G.Tag:FLAG partially rescues SmnX7
SmnV72G.Tag:FLAG/SmnG210V.Tag:FLAG partially rescues SmnX7
Expression of one copy of SmnV72G.T:Zzzz\FLAG overcomes the larval lethality seen in homozygous SmnX7 mutants but the resulting flies are pupal lethal.
Co-expression of one copy each of SmnT:Zzzz\FLAG and SmnV72G.T:Zzzz\FLAG partially rescues the larval lethality seen in homozygous SmnX7 mutants. The phenotype is intermediate between expressing one copy each of either transgene, with many adults eclosing but fewer than when the wild type transgene is expressed alone. This indicates that SmnV72G.T:Zzzz\FLAG is having a mild dominant effect.
Co-expression of one copy each of SmnG210V.T:Zzzz\FLAG and SmnV72G.T:Zzzz\FLAG partially rescues the larval lethality seen in homozygous SmnX7 mutants, resulting in a less severe phenotype than when SmnV72G.T:Zzzz\FLAG is expressed alone. A few adults eclose but most animals reach the pupal stage.
Co-expression of one copy each of SmnY203C.T:Zzzz\FLAG and SmnV72G.T:Zzzz\FLAG partially rescues the larval lethality seen in homozygous SmnX7 mutants. The phenotype is intermediate between expressing one copy each of either transgene, indicating that SmnY203C.T:Zzzz\FLAG is having a dominant effect. No adults eclose but most animal reach the pupal stage.