G210V | Smn-PA; G210V | Smn-PB
Analogous mutation in human SMN1 implicated in spinal muscular atrophy, types I, II, and III; mutation carried on in vitro construct; site of nucleotide substitution in fly gene inferred by FlyBase curator based on reported amino acid change.
SmnTag:FLAG/SmnG210V.Tag:FLAG partially rescues SmnX7
SmnG210V.Tag:FLAG partially rescues SmnX7
SmnF70S.Tag:FLAG/SmnG210V.Tag:FLAG partially rescues SmnX7
SmnV72G.Tag:FLAG/SmnG210V.Tag:FLAG partially rescues SmnX7
SmnY203C.Tag:FLAG/SmnG210V.Tag:FLAG partially rescues SmnX7
SmnI93F.Tag:FLAG/SmnG210V.Tag:FLAG partially rescues SmnX7
SmnD20V.Tag:FLAG/SmnG210V.Tag:FLAG partially rescues SmnX7
SmnG210V.Tag:FLAG/SmnG210C.Tag:FLAG partially rescues SmnX7
SmnY107C.Tag:FLAG/SmnG210V.Tag:FLAG partially rescues SmnX7
SmnM194R.Tag:FLAG/SmnG210V.Tag:FLAG partially rescues SmnX7
SmnTag:FLAG/SmnG210V.Tag:FLAG partially rescues SmnX7
SmnG210V.Tag:FLAG partially rescues SmnX7
SmnF70S.Tag:FLAG/SmnG210V.Tag:FLAG partially rescues SmnX7
SmnV72G.Tag:FLAG/SmnG210V.Tag:FLAG partially rescues SmnX7
Expression of one copy of SmnG210V.T:Zzzz\FLAG partially rescues the larval lethality seen in homozygous SmnX7 mutants.
Co-expression of one copy each of SmnT:Zzzz\FLAG and SmnG210V.T:Zzzz\FLAG partially rescues the larval lethality seen in homozygous SmnX7 mutants. The phenotype is intermediate between expressing one copy each of either transgene, indicating that SmnG210V.T:Zzzz\FLAG is having a dominant effect. A few adults eclose but most animals reach the pupal stage.
Co-expression of one copy each of SmnG210V.T:Zzzz\FLAG and SmnI93F.T:Zzzz\FLAG partially rescues the larval lethality seen in homozygous SmnX7 mutants, but results in more severe phenotype than when SmnI93F.T:Zzzz\FLAG is expressed alone. A few adults eclose but most animals reach the pupal stage.
Co-expression of one copy each of SmnG210V.T:Zzzz\FLAG and SmnF70S.T:Zzzz\FLAG partially rescues the larval lethality seen in homozygous SmnX7 mutants, but results in more severe phenotype than when SmnF70S.T:Zzzz\FLAG is expressed alone; a few adults eclose but most animals reach the pupal stage.
Co-expression of one copy each of SmnG210V.T:Zzzz\FLAG and SmnD20V.T:Zzzz\FLAG partially rescues the larval lethality seen in homozygous SmnX7 mutants, but results in more severe phenotype than when SmnD20V.T:Zzzz\FLAG is expressed alone. A few adults eclose but most animals reach the pupal stage.
Co-expression of one copy each of SmnG210V.T:Zzzz\FLAG and SmnG210C.T:Zzzz\FLAG partially rescues the larval lethality seen in homozygous SmnX7 mutants, but results in more severe phenotype than when SmnG210C.T:Zzzz\FLAG is expressed alone. A few adults eclose but most animals reach the pupal stage.
Co-expression of one copy each of SmnG210V.T:Zzzz\FLAG and SmnY107C.T:Zzzz\FLAG partially rescues the larval lethality seen in homozygous SmnX7 mutants, but results in more severe phenotype than when SmnY107C.T:Zzzz\FLAG is expressed alone. A few adults eclose but most animals reach the pupal stage.
Co-expression of one copy each of SmnG210V.T:Zzzz\FLAG and SmnV72G.T:Zzzz\FLAG partially rescues the larval lethality seen in homozygous SmnX7 mutants, resulting in a less severe phenotype than when SmnV72G.T:Zzzz\FLAG is expressed alone. A few adults eclose but most animals reach the pupal stage.
Co-expression of one copy each of SmnG210V.T:Zzzz\FLAG and SmnM194R.T:Zzzz\FLAG partially rescues the larval lethality seen in homozygous SmnX7 mutants, resulting in a less severe phenotype than when SmnM194R.T:Zzzz\FLAG is expressed alone. No adults eclose but many animals reach the pupal stage.
Co-expression of one copy each of SmnG210V.T:Zzzz\FLAG and SmnG206S.T:Zzzz\FLAG partially rescues the larval lethality seen in homozygous SmnX7 mutants, resulting in a less severe phenotype than when SmnG206S.T:Zzzz\FLAG is expressed alone. A few adults eclose but most animals reach the pupal stage.
Co-expression of one copy each of SmnY203C.T:Zzzz\FLAG and SmnG210V.T:Zzzz\FLAG partially rescues the larval lethality seen in homozygous SmnX7 mutants. The phenotype is intermediate between expressing one copy each of either transgene, indicating that SmnY203C.T:Zzzz\FLAG is having a dominant effect. No adults eclose but many animals reach the pupal stage.