Imprecise excision of P{SUPor-P}Reep1KG05246 resulting in a 3.0 kb genomic deletion removing part of the Reep1 locus.
A ~3.0 kb deletion of part of ReepA resulting from the imprecise excision of P{SUPor-P}ReepAKG05246. The boundaries were reported as 2R:18812726-18815746 in release 5 coordinates.
fertile (with Df(2R)BSC784)
viable (with Df(2R)BSC784)
Homozygous Reep1Δ275 mutant flies are perfectly viable and fertile. No difference between the lifespan of the mutants and controls is detected. Df(2R)BSC784 does not modify these phenotypes. Heteroallelic combination of Reep1Δ275 and Reep1Δ258 fails to reveal any abnormalities in locomotory behaviour (evaluated in climbing assays).
Homozygous Reep1Δ275 and Reep1Δ275/Df(2R)BSC784 mutants show lower resistance to high temperatures compared with wild-type.
Compared with wild-type, homozygous Reep1Δ275 and Reep1Δ275/Df(2R)BSC784 mutant flies show increased mortality upon tunicamycin treatment when testing response to misfolded protein stress in the endoplasmic reticulum.
ReepAΔ258/ReepAΔ275 has abnormal heat stress response phenotype, suppressible by Hsap\REEP1UAS.Tag:FLAG/Scer\GAL4nSyb.PS
ReepAΔ258/ReepAΔ275 has abnormal stress response phenotype, suppressible by Hsap\REEP1UAS.Tag:FLAG/Scer\GAL4nSyb.PS
Hsap\MAPTUAS.2N4R.cAa, ReepAΔ258/ReepAΔ275, Scer\GAL4GMR.PU has visible phenotype, suppressible by ReepAUAS.Tag:FLAG, Scer\GAL4GMR.PU
Hsap\MAPTUAS.2N4R.cAa, ReepAΔ258/ReepAΔ275, Scer\GAL4GMR.PU has visible phenotype, suppressible by Hsap\REEP1UAS.Tag:FLAG, Scer\GAL4GMR.PU
ReepAΔ258/ReepAΔ275 is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of Hsap\MAPTUAS.2N4R.cAa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PU
ReepAΔ258/ReepAΔ275 is an enhancer of visible phenotype of Hsap\MAPTUAS.2N4R.cAa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PU
Hsap\MAPTUAS.2N4R.cAa, ReepAΔ258/ReepAΔ275, Scer\GAL4GMR.PU has eye phenotype, suppressible by ReepAUAS.Tag:FLAG, Scer\GAL4GMR.PU
Hsap\MAPTUAS.2N4R.cAa, ReepAΔ258/ReepAΔ275, Scer\GAL4GMR.PU has eye phenotype, suppressible by Hsap\REEP1UAS.Tag:FLAG, Scer\GAL4GMR.PU
ReepAΔ258/ReepAΔ275 is an enhancer of retina phenotype of Hsap\MAPTUAS.2N4R.cAa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PU
ReepAΔ258/ReepAΔ275 is an enhancer of eye phenotype of Hsap\MAPTUAS.2N4R.cAa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PU
ReepAΔ258/ReepAΔ275 is an enhancer of actin cytoskeleton phenotype of Hsap\MAPTUAS.2N4R.cAa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PU
Expression of Reep1Scer\UAS.T:Zzzz\FLAG in postmitotic neurons using the pan-neuronal driver Scer\GAL4nSyb.PS can rescue the stress sensitivity phenotypes of Reep1Δ258/Reep1Δ275 and Reep1Δ275/Df(2R)BSC784 mutants.
Reep1Δ258/Reep1Δ275 enhances the neurodegeneration in retinas resulting from the expression of Scer\GAL4GMR.PU>Hsap\MAPTScer\UAS.2N4R.cAa resulting in the formation of extensive necrotic areas, visible as black spots, over the eye surface.
Overexpression of Reep1Scer\UAS.T:Zzzz\FLAG ameliorates the Scer\GAL4GMR.PU>Hsap\MAPTScer\UAS.2N4R.cAa-induced eye-degeneration in the Reep1Δ258/Reep1Δ275 genetic background.
Overexpression of Hsap\REEP1Scer\UAS.T:Zzzz\FLAG ameliorates the Scer\GAL4GMR.PU>Hsap\MAPTScer\UAS.2N4R.cAa-induced eye-degeneration in the Reep1Δ258/Reep1Δ275 genetic background.
Reep1Δ258/Reep1Δ275 strongly increases the pathological formation of amyloid aggregates in retinas expressing Scer\GAL4GMR.PU>Hsap\MAPTScer\UAS.2N4R.cAa as well as the incidence of ectopic actin-rich structures within these amyloid clusters.
Df(2R)BSC784/ReepAΔ275 is rescued by ReepAUAS.Tag:FLAG/Scer\GAL4nSyb.PS
ReepAΔ258/ReepAΔ275 is rescued by ReepAUAS.Tag:FLAG/Scer\GAL4nSyb.PS
Expression of Reep1Scer\UAS.T:Zzzz\FLAG in postmitotic neurons using the pan-neuronal driver Scer\GAL4nSyb.PS can rescue the stress sensitivity phenotypes of Reep1Δ258/Reep1Δ258 and Reep1Δ258/Reep1Δ275 mutants.