ABCAmir-1007-KO mutant stage 14 egg chambers do not display any pronounced nurse cell clearance defects and like in wild-type the germ-line derived nurse cells have undergone programmed cell death and been cleared by this stage.
Abca3mir-1007-KO/Abca3mir-1007-KO is an enhancer of egg chamber phenotype of Eatof02254
Abca3mir-1007-KO/Abca3mir-1007-KO is an enhancer of nurse cell phenotype of Eatof02254
Abca3mir-1007-KO/Abca3mir-1007-KO is a suppressor | partially of egg chamber phenotype of EatoMI14571
Abca3mir-1007-KO/Abca3mir-1007-KO is a suppressor | partially of nurse cell phenotype of EatoMI14571
The nurse cell clearance defects observed in EatoMI14571 mutant stage 14 egg chambers (which contain persistent nurse cell nuclei, while in wild-type egg chambers all the germ-line derived nurse cells have undergone programmed cell death and been cleared by this stage) is, surprisingly, ameliorated by ABCAmir-1007-KO homozygosity, even though it strongly exacerbates this phenotype in Eatof02254 mutant egg chambers.