viable (with Df(3L)BSC816)
The few arrested pupae of Pex7MI14471/Pex7MI14471 and Pex7MI14471/Df(3L)BSC816 mutants have the same size as control pupae but exhibit developmental abnormalities.
Pex7MI14471/Pex7MI14471 embryos show increased apoptosis, as compared to controls.
Pex7MI14471/Pex7MI14471 larvae are longer than controls but developmental timing does not seem to be affected, as most animals reach the adult stage at the same time as control animals; their brains, however, are much smaller than controls, which is related with increased apoptosis instead of with decreased mitosis. Pex7MI14471/Df(3L)BSC816 larvae also show smaller brains with increased levels of apoptosis, as compared to controls.
Pex7MI14471/Pex7MI14471 adults show a small but significant decrease in climbing ability, as compared to controls.
Pex7MI14471 is rescued by Scer\GAL4VP16.nanos.UTR/Pex7UAS.cDCa
Pex7MI14471 is not rescued by Scer\GAL4elav-C155/Pex7UASp.cPa